Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
A study of musical forms through analysis of representative works in various stylistic periods. Prerequisite/Co-requisite: MUTH 223 or consent of instructor. Two Hours, Fall, Even Years
1.00 Credits
Offers experiences in preparation and performance of musical and theatrical productions. Courses conferring this credit are MUCS111/311 Theatre Production and MUCS151/351 Opera Workshop. By audition or permission of the directors only. Students must be available for rehearsals and performances. Each level may be taken again for credit. After four semesters, may be taken for upper division credit. One Hour, Fall, Spring
1.00 Credits
This workshop will provide practical experience in worship leadership skills, including but not limited to planning and organizing a worship experience, rehearsing with worship teams and various ensembles, and utilizing worship technology and drama. One Hour, Fall
3.00 Credits
This course comprises a study of the history of Christian worship from the early church to the emerging worship movement and the Biblical perspectives and principles in developing an effective worship ministry. The history, significance, and use in religious services of congregational song, known as hymnology, and various other art forms will be discussed. An emphasis will be on the theological and philosophical frameworks of worship leading, the worship leader's role in worship service preparation, and ethics involved in Worship Arts. Three Hours, Fall
1.00 Credits
This workshop will provide practical experience in worship leadership skills, including but not limited to planning and organizing a worship experience, rehearsing with worship teams and various ensembles, and utilizing worship technology and drama. Prerequisite: MUWA 371. May be repeated for credit. One Hour, Fall
3.00 Credits
This course is intended to provide an avenue for intensive study of current issues, trends, or problems in the natural sciences. The course will involve close collaboration between students and faculty on a topic or issue related to the individual's interest and career choice. Prerequisites: BIOL 111, 113, 121 and 123, OR CHEM 111, 113, 121 and 124, OR MATH 164, plus senior standing or consent of instructor. May be taken for variable credit and repeated up to a maximum of five semester hours. One to Five Hours, On Demand The physics courses, in accordance with the Missouri Baptist University mission statement, seek to prepare students to live in harmony with the physical environment by becoming aware of its basic principles and the means for intelligent use and conservation of its resources. An understanding of the principles of physics, designed and implemented by God, is a key factor in fulfilling this purpose. The physics courses are designed to provide this understanding, give science and mathematics students the physics background required for success in those careers, and satisfy Unified Science Core requirements for secondary science certification in Missouri. The courses in physics (PHYS) are offered to fulfill general education, elective or additional physics credits, and/or Missouri science certification requirements.
3.00 Credits
This course prepares the student to handle emergency situations in athletic training settings. The course is designed to complete the standard course of American Red Cross first aid and CPR, and will result in certification in these areas, as well as look at more sportsspecific injury/illness situations and appropriate responses. A lab fee is charged for this course. Three Hours, Fall
3.00 Credits
Drills and methods of teaching fundamentals, offensive and defensive strategies, practice organization, and techniques of scouting for basketball, football, volleyball, soccer, softball, and baseball. Three Hours, Fall, Even Years
3.00 Credits
Drills and methods of teaching fundamentals, various conditioning programs, practice organization, and game strategies of tennis, golf, cross-country, wrestling, track events, and field events. Three Hours, Spring, Odd Years
2.00 Credits
Basic movement and rhythm patterns; experiences in creating movement sequences for children using the elements of rhythm and a variety of manipulative equipment. Two Hours, Spring
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