Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    This course incorporates the study of management and techniques of administration for music ministry, including graded music program suitable for churches and the needs of various age groups, and a study of various literature styles suitable for church use. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
  • 0.00 Credits

    All music majors and minors must register for Recital Attendance concurrently with private lessons (except summers). Students are required to attend recitals and concerts as specified in the Missouri Baptist University Music Handbook. Zero Hours, Fall, Spring UPPER DIVISION Applied lessons with upper division numbers (311/312) are advanced studies for all music majors and minors, as well as for students who wish to pursue further study as an elective. Students must pass their Sophomore Proficiency jury before they will be allowed to register for credit at the 300-level. Students may repeat 311/312 until they are prepared for senior recital. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the Sophomore Proficiency jury, taken at the end of the fourth semester of study. Students must show sufficient progress in performance and musical skills to warrant upper division status. Transfer students must show comparable skills in the initial audition for upper division applied lessons.
  • 0.00 Credits

    All music majors and minors must register for Recital Attendance concurrently with private lessons (except summers). Students are required to attend recitals and concerts as specified in the Missouri Baptist University Music Handbook. Zero Hours, Fall, Spring MUSIC ENSEMBLES (MUCL, MUCS, MUTS, MUCC, MUIL, and MUIS) COURSES Music Ensembles are available to all students regardless of major. For audition schedules and further information, contact the music faculty. Ensembles may be repeated up to four times at the 100-level. Beginning with the fifth semester of credit, students may enroll at the 300-level, except as noted.
  • 1.00 Credits

    One hour of private instruction per week in the area of the student's performance concentration. The course includes a recital hearing to be completed at least three weeks prior to the recital. Upon successful completion of the hearing, the course work culminates in at least a 30-minute recital. Prerequisite(s): At least two upper division hours of credit in applied instruction in the area of performance concentration. Co-requisite: Must be taken concurrently with MUAS 310 Studio Class. Two Hours, On Demand
  • 1.00 Credits

    One hour of private instruction per week in the area of the student's performance concentration. The course includes a recital hearing to be completed at least three weeks prior to the recital. Upon successful completion of the hearing, the course work culminates in at least 30-minute recital for those seeking degrees in the Bachelor of Arts in Music, Bachelor of Music in Church Music and Bachelor of Music Education, and at least a 50-minute recital for Bachelor of Music in Performance majors. Prerequisite(s): Bachelor of Arts in Music, Bachelor of Music in Church Music and Bachelor of Music Education majors - at least two semesters of upper division applied instruction in the area of performance concentration. Bachelor of Music in Performance majors - Junior Recital plus two additional upper division hours of applied instruction in the area of performance concentration. Co-requisite: Must be taken concurrently with MUAS 310 Studio Class. Two Hours, On Demand
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    This course allows the student to investigate a topic in music that goes beyond the scope of other course work. The course will involve close collaboration between students and faculty on a topic or issue related to the individual's interest and career choice. Prerequisites: MUTH 223 and MUHL 323, plus senior standing or consent of instructor. May be taken for variable credit and repeated up to a maximum of three semester hours. One to Three Hours, On Demand
  • 1.00 Credits

    This course introduces basic music technologies, emphasizing the publishing program Finale students' course work. One hour, Fall, Spring
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is designed for students whose musical preparation for college is inadequate to prepare them to enroll in MUTH 113. This course will include study of the notation of melody, rhythm, and basic harmony. Includes scales, intervals, triads, and harmonization of simple melodies. For non-music majors and those preparing for MUTH 113. Three Hours, Fall
  • 1.00 Credits

    Intensive training to develop music reading and related aural skills through sight singing, dictation, and assigned listening. Two class meetings per week in addition to laboratory assignments. Must be taken concurrently with MUTH 113 Theory I. One Hour, Spring
  • 3.00 Credits

    Intensive study of interval, keys, melodic structure, initial two-voice contrapuntal writing, and melodic cadential figures. Prepares the student for further theoretical study. Taken concurrently with MUTH 111. Prerequisite(s): MUTH 103 or satisfactory score on theory placement test. Three Hours, Spring
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