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1.00 Credits
Select group for performance of music in varied styles, such as madrigal, folk, popular, and jazz; Touring and concerts required. By audition only. Students must be available for off-campus performances. One Hour, Fall, Spring
1.00 Credits
Workshop designed to provide experiences in production, staging, and performing of opera, culminating in a scene recital. May be taken twice for lower division credit and twice for upper division credit. By audition or permission of instructor. One Hour, Spring
1.00 Credits
Select choral group, open to all students by audition. This ensemble specializes in small ensemble choral literature such as madrigals, motets, and part-songs - music written for smaller groups. Music of all periods will be performed. Touring and concerts required. One Hour, Fall, Spring
1.00 Credits
This course will provide varied chamber ensemble experiences for vocal/choral students. One Hour, On Demand
2.00 Credits
The fundamentals of the basic conducting patterns are covered. Standard instrumental and choral literature furnishes the material for laboratory use. Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Two Hours, Fall
6.00 Credits
A course designed to acquaint the music specialist with the content, methodology and materials of an elementary school music curriculum. The course introduces the music specialist to basic classroom instruments, requiring a basic competency in playing piano, recorder, and Autoharp. Students will become competent in applying assessment strategies for the improvement of student learning. A study of state mandated assessment is included. This course, taught only on the Main campus, applies only for music majors. Co-requisite: Bachelor of Music Education students must be concurrently enrolled in EDCL 211 Teaching Field Experience I. Two Hours, Fall, Even Years
12.00 Credits
A study of materials, methods, organization, and administration used to teach music for middle and secondary level students. Students will become competent in applying assessment strategies for the improvement of student learning. A study of state mandated assessment is included. This course, taught only on the Main campus, applies only for music majors. Prerequisite(s): MUED 312. Co-requisite: Bachelor of Music Education students must be concurrently enrolled in EDCL 411 Teaching Field Experience II. Two Hours, Spring, Odd Years
2.00 Credits
A survey of instrumental ensembles in the public schools, with attention given to school music budget, special programs, and effective leadership of the public school instrumental program. Two Hours, Fall, Odd Years
2.00 Credits
The study of choral rehearsal procedures, the development of tone, classification of voice types, and programming. Two Hours, Spring, Even Years
2.00 Credits
A continuation of MUED 202. A study of choral and instrumental literature in relation to rehearsal techniques and interpretation. Two Hours, Spring
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