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3.00 Credits
Study of principles of programming languages. Emphasizes language paradigms and important features, structures, and characteristics of modern high-level programming languages. Examples of languages in each paradigm will be studied, including procedural programming, logic programming, and object-oriented programming. Prerequisite(s): BCSC 143. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
This course introduces students to mathematical logic; alphabets and languages; finite automata, regular and non-regular languages, Kleene's theorem; regular grammars; pushdown automata and context-free grammars; Turing and Post machines; recursive and recursively enumerable languages; the Chomsky Hierarchy. Prerequisite(s): BCSC 143, BCSC 203, and BCSC 433. Three Hours, Spring, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
This course provides an understanding of the software engineering process. It introduces structured analysis and design, objectoriented analysis and design, the use of data modeling and CASE tools, and development and adherence to life-cycle standards. This course also examines software testing principles, process and product metrics. This course provides a foundation for advanced study in CIS. Prerequisite(s): BCSC 143, BCSC 353 and Junior or Senior standing. Three Hours, Fall
3.00 Credits
This course is a continuation of BCSC 473/BCIS 473. Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems majors, operating as a high-performance team, will engage in, and complete, the design and implementation of a significant information system. Project management, management of the IS function, and systems integration will be components of the project experience. Student teams will carry their project begun in BCSC 473/BCIS 473 through implementation, testing, and delivery, the traditional "downstream" phases of the development process. Prerequisite(s):Junior or Senior standing and completion of BCSC 473/BCIS 473 with a grade of C or better. Three Hours, Spring
2.00 Credits
This laboratory is co-requisite to BIOL 103 Introduction to Biology. This lab may be taken for credit apart from BIOL 103 only with the written consent of the instructor and the student's advisor. Labs will meet for two hours per week for one credit hour. One Hour, Fall, Spring, Summer
3.00 Credits
An introduction to biology with emphasis directed toward an understanding of the basic characteristics, processes, and activities of living organisms. Evolutionary theories and controversies will be discussed. Required general education course for non-Biology majors. Co-requisite: BIOL 101 Introduction to Biology Laboratory. Three Hours, Fall, Spring, Summer
2.00 Credits
This laboratory is co-requisite to BIOL 113 General Biology I. This lab may be taken for credit apart from BIOL 113 only with the written consent of the instructor and the student's advisor. Labs will meet for two hours per week for one credit hour. One Hour, Fall
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the taxonomy of animals, as well as the genetics, biochemistry, and cell biology of living systems. Evolutionary theories and controversies will be discussed. Required for all pre-med and Biology majors or minors. Co-requisite: BIOL 111 General Biology I Laboratory. Three Hours, Fall
2.00 Credits
This laboratory is co-requisite to BIOL 123 General Biology II. This lab may be taken for credit apart from BIOL 123 only with the written consent of the instructor and the student's advisor. Labs will meet for two hours per week for one credit hour. One Hour, Spring
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the morphology, taxonomy, and physiology of plants, as well as animal anatomy and physiology and the ecological interactions of living systems. Required for all pre-med and Biology majors or minors. Co-requisite: BIOL 121 General Biology II Laboratory. Three Hours, Spring
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