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3.00 Credits
This course provides an understanding of the software engineering process. It introduces structured analysis and design, objectoriented analysis and design, the use of data modeling and CASE tools, and development and adherence to life-cycle standards. This course also examines software testing principles, process and product metrics. This course provides a foundation for advanced study in CIS. Prerequisite(s): BCSC 143, BCSC 353 and Junior or Senior standing. Three Hours, Fall
3.00 Credits
This course is a continuation of BCSC 473/BCIS 473. Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems majors, operating as a high-performance team, will engage in, and complete, the design and implementation of a significant information system. Project management, management of the IS function, and systems integration will be components of the project experience. Student teams will carry their project begun in BCSC 473/BCIS 473 through implementation, testing, and delivery, the traditional "downstream" phases of the development process. Prerequisite(s):Junior or Senior standing and completion of BCSC 473/BCIS 473 with a grade of C or better. Three Hours, Spring
3.00 Credits
This course is an introduction to application development using modern developer tools. Topics include foundations of the computing discipline, introduction to Visual Studio 2005, and project-based learning in various current application areas. Three Hours, Fall
3.00 Credits
This course is a continuation of BCSC 133. This course emphasizes object-oriented concepts and techniques and looks at the design and development of desktop, Web, and mobile application software using Visual Studio 2005, through individual and group projects. Prerequisite(s): BCSC 133. Three Hours, Spring
3.00 Credits
Introduction to topics in discrete structures for computer science majors. Topics include propositional and predicate logic, sets, induction, recursion, relations, functions, combinatorial enumeration, Boolean algebra, and finite state machines. Applications of these topics to computer science are discussed. Prerequisite(s): BCSC 133 and MATH 133 or equivalent HS math background. Three Hours, Spring
3.00 Credits
Introduction to C++ programming constructs, object-oriented programming, software development, and fundamental numerical techniques. Exercises/examples from various scientific fields will be considered. This course is required for Mathematics majors. Three Hours, Spring
3.00 Credits
This course provides an introduction to digital logic and the fundamentals of computer architecture, examines the basic building blocks of a computer system and studies various computer architectures, hardware and software trends, and includes a discussion of assembly programming. Prerequisite(s): BCSC 133. Three Hours, Spring
3.00 Credits
Topics include analysis of algorithms; design techniques for efficient algorithms; induction; recursion; divide and conquer; greedy algorithms; dynamic programming; probabilistic algorithms; examples of geometric, combinatorial, and graph algorithms; pattern matching; fast Fourier transform; introduction to NP-completeness. Prerequisite(s): BCSC 143 and BCSC 203. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
3.00 Credits
This course examines principles of database design and implementation, including physical representation, and data modeling. Students will learn to develop relational databases using a DBMS. Students will also learn the fundamentals of SQL, and database development techniques. Prerequisite(s): BCSC 143. Three Hours, Fall
3.00 Credits
This course examines the principles of operating system design and function. System programming is also considered. Students are presented with various common operating systems, including UNIX/Linux, and Windows. Prerequisite(s): BCSC 143, and BCSC 333. Three Hours, Fall, Even Years
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