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3.00 Credits
This course consists of a study of specific techniques in modern English grammar and the writing of effective compositions. Grammar theories and language theories are emphasized. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 123. Three Hours, Fall, Even Years
3.00 Credits
This course explores the principles and practice of critical theories, including traditional and contemporary theories about literature, rhetoric, and discourse. The intentionality and motives for writing, reading, and communication are evaluated from a Christian perspective. By studying some of the major critical texts written by literary theorists and thinkers, students will become familiar with a variety of critical approaches to literature and learn to apply those approaches to their actual reading of literary texts. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 203 or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
3.00 Credits
The first phase of this course explores business concepts, topics and terminology and how they relate to the entrepreneurial venture. In its second phase the course examines the traits that make a successful entrepreneur through the use of case studies, articles, and guest lectures. Students will engage in self evaluation through the use of tools that attempt to measure emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship profiles. No prerequisite. Open to all students with sophomore standing or higher. Three Hours, Fall
3.00 Credits
This course explores the challenge of marketing a start-up firm with limited resources. Topics include product positioning and pricing, distribution channels, advertising, and promotion. Emphasis is placed on the development and implementation of a marketing plan for a new venture. Prerequisites: MRKT 313, ENTR 303. ( Students majoring in Sport Management will have the prerequisite for MRKT 313 met through SMGT 373 Sport Marketing.) Three Hours, Spring, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to provide an understanding of the segments of the financial markets that specialize in start-up and growth financing. Topics include firm valuation, the legal and structural issues of private venture capital financing, and preparation for an initial public offering. Prerequisites: BUSN 363 and ENTR 303. (Students majoring in Sport Management will have the prerequisite for BUSN 363 met through SMGT 383 Sport Finance.) Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
Students will write and present a sophisticated business plan that includes justification of the business concept, marketing plan, business strategy and organization, financial projections, and plan for financing the venture. Prerequisites: ENTR 303, ENTR313, ENTR 363. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
1.00 Credits
This course allows students who have successfully completed ENTR463, New Venture Planning, to earn internship type credit by competing in a university or business sponsored Business Plan Competition. The students will hone skills acquired in earlier Business Division courses, enhance presentation abilities through preparation for competition and potentially expand her network of business contacts. Choice of the competition is subject to the prior approval of the Business Division Chair and the course instructor. Prerequisites: ENTR 463 and permission of the Business Division Chair. One Hour, On Demand
3.00 Credits
Student teaching normally consists of two eight-week teaching experiences taken consecutively and conducted in two separate setting and in two separate grade levels in an appropriate classroom setting in a state or nationally accredited public or private school and under the supervision of an experienced and qualified cooperating teacher. Students seeking certification at more than one level must student teach at a level or levels approved by the Director of Teacher Education. This field experience enables students to practice and develop the pedagogical skills necessary to meet the Missouri performance standards for teacher certification. After being formally admitted to the Teacher Education program, certification candidates must apply to student teach. Students may be allowed to request a specific school district in which to complete their student teaching experience; however the final decision regarding placement will be left to the discretion of the Director of Field Experiences and Professional Portfolio Development. Candidates are required to complete their student teaching experience in the grade level and subject area(s) in which they are seeking certification. Application for Student Teaching must be made to the Education Office by the end of the second week of the Fall semester for Spring and Summer Student Teaching and by the end of the second week of the Spring semester for Fall Student Teaching. Specific information about student teaching may be obtained from the Guide and Portfolio Manual for the Development, Licensure and Employment of Teachers and Counselors.
3.00 Credits
This course is a study of the underlying causes of school violence and students being at-risk for school failure at the elementary and secondary school level, as well as a study of the theories and research-based practices that can be used to establish a positive learning environment for all. Topics include: 1) Identifying at-risk students; 2) Building a positive learning community; 3) Teaching social skills and internal behavior management strategies to decrease discipline problems; 4) Investigating theories of behavior and discipline; 5) Developing proactive classroom management techniques, instructional and behavioral strategies to decrease disruptive behavior; 6) Making your classroom and school safe for students and staff. Prerequisites: EDPS 453/553, EDPS 383, EDUC 213, EDUC 303. * This course is required for all education majors. ** This course must be completed before Student Teaching will be allowed. Students taking this course for graduate credit must complete all graduate course requirements. This course may not be taken as a Directed Study, credit for prior learning portfolio or as a web course if it is to be used as part of the Master of Arts in Counseling requirements. Three Hours, Fall, Spring, Summer
3.00 Credits
A detailed assessment of the profession of athletic training and its responsibilities and methods used in prevention of athletic injuries and illnesses, concerning both facility and training issues. A lab fee is charged for this course. Three Hours, Fall
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