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  • 3.00 Credits

    This course examines selected writings by representative American authors of racial and ethic minority, including Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans. Among the authors to be examined are Frederick Douglass, Richard Wright, Carlos Bulosan, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, N. Scott Momaday, Maxine Hong Kingston, William Least Heat Moon, Richard Rodriguez, Denise Chávez, Leslie Marmon Silko, Amy Tan, and Louise Erdrich. Emphasis is on genre, theme, style, and aesthetics as well as on the political, historical, cultural, and intellectual context of multicultural literature in the United States. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 203 or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
  • 3.00 Credits

    The course surveys significant works by representative British authors from the Anglo-Saxon period to 1660, including Venerable Bede, Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and John Milton. Students will explore the ideas, themes, and concepts of the works in their social and historical context. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 203 or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
  • 3.00 Credits

    The course surveys significant works by British authors from the Restoration (1660-1689) to the present, including John Bunyan, Jonathan Swift, John Dryden, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Mary Shelley, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, and Seamus Heaney. Students will explore the ideas, themes, and concepts of the works in their social and historical context. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 203 or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course offers an advanced study of three iconic writers of early British literature with emphasis on their lives, their individual works, and the respective historical and cultural context. The course will also study the way each author contributed to the development of English literature and culture at large. Prerequisites(s): ENGL 203 or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Fall, Even Years
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course offers an in-depth study of representative western literary texts exclusive of British and American writings. Among the authors to be examined are Homer, Virgil, Miguel de Cervantes, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Rainer Maria Rilke, Katherine Mansfield, Franz Kafka, and Patrick White. Emphasis is on genre, theme, style, and aesthetics, as well as on the political, historical, cultural, and intellectual context of each work. Course requirements include publication of a book review in Cantos: A Literary and Arts Magazine. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 203 or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Fall, Even Years
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course offers an in-depth study of representative non-Western literary works in English translation, beginning with the Epic of Gilgamesh and culminating in such contemporary authors as Chinua Achebe, Gabriel García Márquez, and Haruki Murakami.Emphasis is on genre, theme, style, and aesthetics, as well as on the political, historical, cultural, and intellectual context of each work. Course requirements include publication of a book review in Cantos: A Literary and Arts Magazine. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 203 or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Spring, Odd Years
  • 3.00 Credits

    Students will study theories of creativity and their applications to writing in poetry (sonnet, ballad, tanka, haiku, hymn, limerick, and free verse) and fiction (short story and novelette). The course will enable student writers of poetry and fiction to find their own style and voice, to develop their skills and techniques, and to learn strategies for critical evaluation of creative writing. Course requirements include submission of a writing portfolio and publication of at least two works in Cantos: A Literary and Arts Magazine. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 203 or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Fall, Even Years
  • 3.00 Credits

    Students will study theories of creativity and their applications to writing in drama (tragedy, comedy, tragicomedy, melodrama, and farce) and nonfiction (essay, biography, history, memoir, and travel writing). The course will enable student writers of drama and nonfiction to find their own style and voice, to develop their skills and techniques, and to learn strategies for critical evaluation of creative writing. Course requirements include submission of a writing portfolio and publication of at least two works in Cantos: A Literary and Arts Magazine. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 203 or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
  • 3.00 Credits

    In this course students will improve writing skills while learning the basic forms and conventions of business writing and correspondence. Assignments, including the use of electronic communication technologies, will emphasize the following: e-mail, memos and letters (information, persuasion, and positive or negative news); resume and cover letter; short report, brochure or newsletter; proposal; and presentation. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 123, or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Fall, Spring
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course serves as an introduction to the general processes of research, including library usage of primary and secondary sources, citation methods, and various aspects and styles of writing. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 123. Three Hours, Spring, Odd Years
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