Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This course is designed to develop a multidimensional perspective on the American public education system. It examines historical, philosophical, sociological, legal, and political factors that have influenced, and continue to influence, American education practices. Diversity is explored as a source of enrichment, and as a challenge for schools and the communities they serve. Other major emphases are the examination of professional ethical standards, teaching as a career, and particularly the major provisions of recent legislation addressing educational reforms including the Show- Me Standards. Concurrent with the completion of the course, application to the Teacher Education Program must be on file in the Education Office. Main Campus students must also register for and/or have taken the C-BASE exam. Students at the Extension Centers should consult with their advisor as to the appropriate time to register for and take the C-BASE exam. Three Hours, Fall, Spring, Summer
1.00 Credits
This junior seminar is designed to initiate professional growth for the preservice teacher at all (K-12) levels. A variety of large group, small group, and individual learning experiences will be explored which focus on contemporary educational issues. Students will also be introduced to and guided through the development of their standard portfolio and/or their electronic portfolio. All education majors must register for this course concurrently with any/all education courses during either their first or second semester of their junior year. Students are required to complete their admission to the Teacher Education Program procedures and portfolio assignments as specified in the Guide and Portfolio Manual for Development, Licensure and Employment of Teachers. One Credit, Fall, Spring
3.00 Credits
This course provides pre-service teachers with an opportunity for an in-depth study of instructional planning (including daily lesson plans, weekly unit plans, and year long goal planning) and a variety of effective instructional strategies to use with all learners. The Conceptual Framework of the MBU Teacher Preparation Program will be emphasized and integrated within the pre-service teacher's unit and lesson planning activities and implementation of instructional strategies. Pre-service teachers will also be introduced to beginning classroom management techniques and assessment strategies as they relate to effective lesson planning and implementation. This course cannot be accepted in transfer from another institution and cannot be taken through Directed Study, Credit for Prior Learning, or Credit by Exam. Three Hours, Fall, Spring, Summer
3.00 Credits
This course is designed for students in the secondary education program seeking subject specific certification in the areas of mathematics, science, social studies, English, or business education. Students will become competent in developing curriculum in their curricular areas focusing on state and professional standards, the use of curriculum guides, curriculum mapping and planning, and the integration of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. A field experience is included in the scope of this course. Prerequisite: EDUC 303. Three Hours, Fall, Spring
3.00 Credits
This course will give students the opportunity to demonstrate the development and use of media and technologically based materials in the classroom, with emphasis on their selection, production, use, and evaluation to meet multiple instructional goals and the needs of diverse learners. Ethical standards and legal issues in the use of technology and media will be explored. Students are expected to have a working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.) as well as the ability to use Internet resources. Students with an inadequate background in these areas should complete BCIS 103 Survey of Computing prior to enrolling in this course. Three Hours, Fall, Spring, Summer
1.00 Credits
This senior seminar is designed to initiate professional growth for the preservice teacher at all (K-12) levels. A variety of large group, small group, and individual learning experiences will be explored which focus on contemporary educational issues. Students will also be introduced to and guided through the development of their standard portfolio and/or their electronic portfolio. All education majors must register for this course concurrently with any/all education courses the semester prior to student teaching. Students are required to complete their admission to the Teacher Education Program procedures and portfolio assignments as specified in the Guide and Portfolio Manual for Development, Licensure and Employment of Teachers. One Credit, Fall, Spring
1.00 Credits
Students will refine their skills as a reflective practitioner through a variety of experiences which focus on contemporary problems and issues in the field of education. Students will be able to draw from and build upon their background knowledge as it relates to their student teaching experience. Students will refine their Professional Teaching Portfolio, incorporating their pre-service teaching experiences. This seminar is required for all students seeking certification and is to be taken concurrently with the two consecutive student teaching experiences appropriate to the level(s) of certification being sought. One Hour, Fall, Spring
3.00 Credits
Student Teaching: Elementary
3.00 Credits
The student will investigate early childhood and elementary language curricula and materials. Students will become competent in the use of multiple intelligences as a vehicle to apply various teaching strategies as they integrate art, music, and physical education experiences within integrated language arts units in order to meet the needs of all diverse learners and learning styles. The course will also consist of units which survey literature appropriate for children, including examples of literature from various ethnic groups. Application will be made to the Show-Me Standards for language arts, physical education, art, and music as well as National Curricular standards. Students will become competent in applying assessment strategies for the improvement of student learning. A study of state mandated assessment is included. A field experience is included in the scope of this course. Students taking this course for graduate credit must complete all graduate course requirements. Prerequisites: EDUC 213 and EDUC 303. Three Hours, Fall
3.00 Credits
The student will investigate early childhood/elementary social studies curricula and materials. Students will become competent in the use of multiple intelligences as a vehicle to apply various teaching strategies as they integrate art, music, and physical education experiences within integrated social studies lessons and units in order to meet the needs of all diverse learners and learning styles. Application will be made to the Show-Me Standards for social studies, physical education, art, and music as well as National Curricular standards. Students will become competent in applying assessment strategies for the improvement of student learning. A study of state mandated assessment is included. The course will also include a study of the continents and countries of the world and their physical, economic, and cultural diversity. A field experience is included in the scope of this course. Students taking this course for graduate credit must complete all graduate course requirements Prerequisites: EDUC 213 and EDUC 303. Three Hours, Spring
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