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3.00 Credits
This course will give students a basic understanding of the communication process by exploring theories in the areas of interpersonal, public, small group, mass, and multi cultural communication. In addition, students will be directed toward many practical applications of the theories discussed. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
This course will strengthen the public speaking skills gained in other courses. The student will present speeches aimed at sharpening organization and delivery skills. The accent will be placed on giving longer and more diversified speeches. Emphasis will also be placed on the effective use of visual aids. Prerequisite: COMM 103. Three Hours, Fall, Even Years
3.00 Credits
In this study of the principles and concepts of small group communication, students are encouraged to develop and improve their skills for business management, education, community activities, and interpersonal communication. This course is conducted in the small group approach and provides for individual instruction and evaluation. The class will be divided into several small groups. In addition to the regular class time, these groups will meet outside of class to complete various assignments. Prerequisite(s): COMM 103, COMM 303, or consent of instructor. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
3.00 Credits
Students learn to apply all major components in the process of media advertising planning: client/agency relationships, audience identification including demographics and psychographic research, media and creative strategy, research, and budgeting. Students produce their own ads and commercials for inclusion in their portfolios. Prerequisites: COMM 113, COMM 143, COMM 253, COMM 263, and COMT 353. Three Hours, Spring, Odd Years
1.00 Credits
This course surveys broadcast, probing, survey, persuasive, employment, and performance based interviews. Students will learn the basic principles of interviewing theory and gain confidence by practicing and demonstrating these skills in role-playing situations, workshops and assignments. In addition the student will work individually or in groups to research, organize & conduct outside interviews. Prerequisites COMM 113, COMM 143, COMM 253, and COMM 263. One Hour, Fall
3.00 Credits
This course exposes students to the disciplines and skills of the media through firsthand experience in the field of communications. Enrollment is limited to Communications Studies majors in their final semester before graduation. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor and consent of appropriate field supervisor. Three Hours, Fall, Spring and Summer
3.00 Credits
This course combines studies in Media Law and Ethics in Communications, a cumulative exit exam, and submission and review of a formal portfolio. Students will study the basic principles of media law followed by establishing contracts and production agreements, using public domain and copyrighted materials, securing releases and permissions, libel and right of privacy issues, licensing music, working with unions, registering copyright and understanding laws affecting broadcast and negotiating licensing and distribution agreements. A cumulative assessment exam for the entire program will be administered, representing key terms and concepts from all areas of concentration. All sections of this exam must be passed to be eligible for graduation. Students will submit their senior portfolio to a communications faculty jury. Portfolio contents should be a culmination of representative works from the students' major coursework and internships. Three Hours, Spring
3.00 Credits
This course gives an overview of technology, aesthetics and the communication methods of persuasion and informational publications. The course will survey typography, color, grid design, layout, photography, composition, visual message alignment, multi-media compatibility and basic illustration. Students will learn to produce projects ranging from one-color advertisements to full-color brochures and PR. Prerequisites COMM 113, COMM 143, COMM 253, and COMM 263. Three Hours, Spring, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
The course is devoted to the study of the principles, the skills, and the techniques of public relations. Students will observe and evaluate real models of public relations in action. Then they will be challenged to devise models of their own in the fields that interest them most. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
This course will provide students with an overview of the aspects of web and online communications, focusing on the organization of content, the nature of online publishing, and practical use of design communication. Through lecture, demonstration and projects the course will prepare students to effectively communicate via the web. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
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