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3.00 Credits
This is a continuation of CHEM 133, and includes the study of chemical kinetics, ionic equilibria, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, nuclear chemistry and some special topics of current interest. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 132 and 133. Prerequisite/ co-requisite: MATH 164. Co-requisite: CHEM 142 General Chemistry II Laboratory. Three Hours, Spring
4.00 Credits
This laboratory is co-requisite to CHEM 313 Organic Chemistry I. This lab may be taken for credit apart from CHEM 313 only with the written consent of the instructor and the student's advisor. Labs will meet for four hours per week for two credit hours. Two Hours, Fall, Odd Years
3.00 Credits
A detailed study of aliphatic and aromatic compounds, including emphasis on structures and reaction mechanisms. The laboratory work includes the basic techniques of purification, identification, and synthesis. This course is designed for science majors or minors. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 142 and 143. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
4.00 Credits
This laboratory is co-requisite to CHEM 323 Organic Chemistry II. This lab may be taken for credit apart from CHEM 323 only with the written consent of the instructor and the student's advisor. Labs will meet for four hours per week for two credit hours. Two Hours, Spring, Even Years
3.00 Credits
A continuation of CHEM 313 Organic Chemistry I, which is a prerequisite. Co-requisite: CHEM 322 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory. Three Hours, Spring, Even Years
6.00 Credits
This laboratory is co-requisite to CHEM 342 Analytical Chemistry Lecture. This lab may be taken for credit apart from CHEM 342 only with the written consent of the instructor and the student's advisor. Labs will meet for six hours per week for two credit hours. Two Hours, Fall, Even Years
2.00 Credits
A study of the theory and practice of gravimetric and volumetric analysis, including the simpler electronic instrumentation. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 142 and 143. Co-requisite: CHEM 332 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Two Hours, Fall, Even Years
3.00 Credits
This course is a study and application of methods used to solve problems in chemistry. The student will assist the instructor with the teaching of the class, solve problems that arise in the process of the class, and work independently with other problems. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 142 and 143, appropriate laboratory experience, and consent of instructor. A total of six hours may be applied toward graduation. Two to Four Hours, On Demand
3.00 Credits
A study of specialized topics in chemistry, such as advanced analysis, nuclear chemistry, polymer chemistry, specialized instrumentation application, etc., May be repeated for credit on different topics, and may be offered as a class or by independent study. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and consent of instructor. Three Hours, On Demand
3.00 Credits
A study of the application of theories of the physical properties of matter, thermodynamics, and kinetics to chemical systems; both kinetic and thermodynamic models are studied. Prerequisite(s): MATH 264, PHYS 221 and 223, and CHEM 322 and 323, or consent of instructor; may be taken concurrently with MATH 264. Three Hours, Fall, Odd Years
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