Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Investigation into the theory of lexical analysis, syntax-directed translation, type checking, code generation, code optimization, and compiler project coordination.
3.00 Credits
In-depth study of the upper levels of computer structure (down to the internal register transfer level) including design choices, design needs, and structural variations in organizing processors, memories, I/O devices, controllers, and communication links. An extensive review of several current machines is made.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the theory and practice related to the development and operation of information systems. Study of database management principles, data management systems, and general purpose software for data management systems. System and performance evaluation.
3.00 Credits
Design objectives of operating systems. Sequential and concurrent processes, processor management, memory management, scheduling algorithms, resource protection. System design and performance evaluation.
3.00 Credits
A study of the major design goals, implementation concepts and mechanisms of timesharing systems, including motivation for the development of timesharing systems and discussions of the hardware/software concepts important to timesharing system implementation.
3.00 Credits
Theoretical aspects of information retrieval. Comparison and evaluation of techniques for enhancement of recall and precision performance. Design of user/system interface; applications of natural language processing. Experimental and intelligent information retrieval systems.
3.00 Credits
Software quality assurance, software testing techniques, software testing strategies, software maintenance, and configuration management.
3.00 Credits
Continued analysis of loosely coupled computer communication, constraints on intercomputer communication, communication protocols, and network services. LAN data link protocols, transport services, and other high-level network functions are examined in detail.
3.00 Credits
Advanced aspects of artificial intelligence. Logical foundations of AI. Machine learning, planning, representation of common-sense knowledge, image understanding. Intensive study of artificial intelligence programming techniques and languages.
3.00 Credits
Selected topics in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer, and other physical separations important to chemical plant design and operation. May be repeated for credit.
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