Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
Fundamentals of speech and oral presentation, business communications, technical reporting, and problem solution layout.
3.00 Credits
Vector algebra, resultants, equilibrium, friction, centroids, inertia, trusses, machines and frames, beam shear and moments.
4.00 Credits
Solutions of differential equations by analytical and series methods, linear algebra and matrix theory, Fourier series and transforms, solution of partial differential equations, numerical analysis, probability and statistics.
3.00 Credits
Equilibrium of frames and machines; concepts of work and energy, impulse and momentum; friction, rotating frames of reference, kinetics and kinematics of rigid bodies; free and forced vibrations.
3.00 Credits
Mechanics of deformable bodies; stress, strain, Hooke's Law, axial loading, bending, torsion, and column problems; introduction to statically indeterminate problems. Laboratory demonstrations of buckling of columns and deflection of beams, plane stress analysis.
3.00 Credits
Fundamental concepts of materials science including the structure and properties of materials and their relationship to material selection and system design. The internal structures of metals, ceramics, and polymers are examined to develop an understanding of their mechanical, electrical, physical, and chemical properties.
1.00 Credits
Laboratory investigation of crystal structure, defects, and diffraction theory; solidification of solids; microstructurally controlled physical and mechanical properties.
3.00 Credits
Equilibrium, thermodynamic variables, equations of state, first and second laws of thermodynamics, single and multiphase systems.
3.00 Credits
Conservation of momentum, energy and mass, transport coefficients, balances in differential form.
3.00 Credits
Physical properties of fluids, fluid statics, control volume approach (mass momentum and energy conversation), Bernoulli equation, dimensional analysis, friction and head loss, flow in closed conduits, forces over immersed bodies, turbomachinery, Navier-Stokes equations.