Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Prerequisite: GEOG 2560, GEOG 2561, or concurrent enrollment Produces opportunities to develop GIS and professional skills through work experience at appropriate agencies such as planning departments of government agencies and private business. (GIS core program course)
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Two courses in geography successfully completed Designed to offer students the opportunity to do extensive reading or research on a specific topic in geography.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: GEOG 1501 and GEOG 1511 Introduction to the principles of map design and computer cartography and investigation and evaluation of the principles of map design. (GIS core program course)
1.00 Credits
Prerequisites: GEOG 1501 and GEOG 1511; completion or concurrent enrollment in GEOG 2501 Basic cartographic principles of map design as applied to computer map production. (GIS core program course)
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: GEOG 1501, GEOG 1511, GEOG 2501 and GEOG 2511 An introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Focuses on the basics of the discipline including the acquisition, storage, analysis and display of spatial data. (GIS core program course)
1.00 Credits
Prerequisites: GEOG 1501, GEOG 1511, GEOG 2501, GEOG 2511 and concurrent enrollment or completion of GEOG 2560 An introduction to applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Computer laboratory exercises on the basics of the discipline including the acquisition, storage, analysis and display of spatial data. (GIS core program course)
2.00 Credits
Prerequisites: GEOG 2560 and GEOG 2561 or concurrent enrollment Students will become familiar with the six-phase process to implement a geographic information system in an organization. Acquisition of a geographic information system centers on technological issues such as hardware, software, database management and other standards. Students will gain an appreciation for how these issues work together. The adoption of a geographic information system effectively reorganizes the data and information an organization collects, maintains, and uses. Students will become familiar with this interaction. (GIS core program course)
4.00 Credits
Students with two or more years of high school German completed within the past two years should enroll in GERM 1102 Study and practice of the fundamental skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis is upon appropriate oral expression, aural comprehension, and grammatical structure. Readings, videos, and class presentations highlight historical, social, political, and popular topics, which provide an introduction to the German-speaking countries. Aspects of Germanic and American cultures are compared and contrasted.
4.00 Credits
Prerequisite: GERM 1101, two or more years of high school German, or permission of instructor Study and practice of the basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as a continuation of German 1101. Appropriate oral expression, aural comprehension, and grammatical structure are stressed. Readings, videos, and class presentations compare and contrast aspects of Germanic and American cultures.
3.00 Credits
(Meets MnTC Goal 8) Introduction to the civilization and culture of Germany and other German-speaking countries. Selected historical, social, political topics, as well as trends in literature music, media, and the arts are explored through lectures, readings, projects, films, video, and the Internet. Ongoing comparison and contrast of Germanic and American cultures. The course is taught in English; no previous knowledge of German is required.
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