Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
4 Hr. PR: Junior standing in Forestry and MATH 155 and STAT 211. Use of decision making tools and techniques by forest products industry professionals, including examples of control chart techniques and acceptance sampling techniques, simulation modeling, linear programming, forecasting and network analysis. (4 hr. lec.)
3.00 Credits
S. 3 Hr. PR: Wood Industry Major and FOR 205 and FMAN 322 and CE 200. Application of surveying and mensurational practices with emphasis on field problems.
1.00 Credits
S. 1 Hr. A one-week trip to observe manufacturing methods and techniques of commercial wood industry plants. Plants visited include furniture, plywood, veneer, hardboard, pulp and paper, sawmilling, and preservation.
3.00 Credits
Parasitology. II. 3 Hr. PR: (BIOL 101 and BIOL 102 and BIOL 103 and BIOL 104) or ( BIOL 115 and BIOL 116). Common parasites of farm animals, their life cycles, effects on the host, diagnosis, control, and public health importance. (3 hr. lec., 1 hr. lab.) (Offered in fall of even years.)
3.00 Credits
Principles of Laboratory Animal Science. 3 Hr. PR: Consent for undergraduates. The production, genetics, physiology, nutrition, disease and regulations of laboratory animals use in research and teaching. This course meets minimal requirements for laboratory animal technical certification programs of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS). (Offered in fall of even years.)
3.00 Credits
I. 3 Hr. PR: Wood Industry major or Consent, and CHEM 231 or CHEM 233. Chemical composition of wood including cellulose, hemicellulose, and extractives. Chemical processing of wood.
3.00 Credits
Renewable Resources Policy and Governance. 3 Hr. PR: Consent. Forest, wildlife, fisheries, and recreation resource policies of the world, with an emphasis on the U.S. important federal and state laws; governance of public and private lands and renewable natural resources. (Crosslisted with FOR 421)
3.00 Credits
II. 3 Hr. PR: MATH 128 or equivalent and WDSC 232. Analysis of ground-based and cable harvesting systems, including time and motion studies, productivity and cost analysis, occupational safety and health, environmental issues, equipment evaluation and selection, and trucking of forest products. (2 hr. lec., 1 hr. lab.)
4.00 Credits
I. 4 Hr. PR: CE 200 and CS 101. A study of techniques and methods of design, layout and construction details of various standards of forest roads.
3.00 Credits
Mammalogy. II. 3 Hr. PR: BIOL 117 or consent. Mammals and their biological properties with emphasis on life history, ecology, and distribution of regional forms.
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