Course Criteria
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0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Semester: Fall of every year Credits:Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3 3(3-0) Recommended Background: MTH 124 or MTH 132 Restrictions: Open to graduate students. Description: Mathematical tools in economic analysis. Matrix algebra, derivatives, partial derivatives, optimization, integration, and linear differential equations. Semester Alias: EC 801 Effective Dates: FALL 2007 - Open
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Semester: Fall of every year, Spring of every year Credits:Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3 3(3-0) Recommended Background: AEC 801 or concurrently Restrictions: Open to graduate students. Description: Microeconomic theory with calculus. Production, costs, demand, markets, general equilibrium, and welfare theory. Semester Alias: EC 805 Effective Dates: FALL 2008 - Open
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Semester: Fall of every year Credits:Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3 3(3-0) Description: Relationships among institutions, individual and collective actions, and economic performance. Public choice, property rights, and behavioral theories of firms and bureaucracies. Interdepartmental With: Economics, Resource Development Administered By: Agricultural Economics Effective Dates: FALL 1992 - Open
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Semester: Spring of every year Credits:Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3 3(3-0) Recommended Background: (EC 805 or EC 812A) and (EC 809 or EC 813A) Description: Concepts of policy analysis and decision. Agricultural sector problems, behavior, and policy in the development process. Macroeconomic and trade impacts. International policies affecting trade and development. Current policy issues. Effective Dates: FALL 1995 - Open
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Semester: Fall of every year Credits:Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3 3(3-0) Prerequisite: EC 820B Description: Analyses of systems of equations, panel data models, instrumental variables and generalized method of moments, M-estimation, quantile regression, maximum likelihood estimation, binary and multinomial response models, Tobit and two-part models, and other selected topics. Semester Alias: EC 821 Interdepartmental With: Economics, Finance, Statistics and Probability Administered By: Economics Effective Dates: FALL 2008 - Open View all versions of this course
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Semester: Spring of every year Credits:Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3 3(3-0) Description: Analyses of quasi-maximum likelihood estimation, count data models, fractional response models, duration models, sample selection and attrition, stratified sampling, estimating treatment effects, stochastic frontier models, and other advanced topics. Interdepartmental With: Economics, Finance, Statistics and Probability Administered By: Economics Effective Dates: FALL 2008 - Open
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Semester: Fall of every year Credits:Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3 3(3-0) Prerequisite: EC 820B Description: Analyses of time series regression, stationary time series analysis, ARMA models, Wold decomposition, spectral analysis, vector autoregressions, generalized method of moments, functional central limit theorem, nonstationary time series, unit root processes, cointegration, and other advanced topics. Semester Alias: EC 822 Interdepartmental With: Economics, Finance, Statistics and Probability Administered By: Economics Effective Dates: FALL 2008 - Open View all versions of this course
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Semester: Spring of every year Credits:Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3 3(3-0) Prerequisite: EC 822A Description: Analyses of multivariate time series, time series volatility models, long memory, nonlinear time series models, and other advanced topics. Interdepartmental With: Economics, Finance, Statistics and Probability Administered By: Economics Effective Dates: FALL 2008 - Open
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Semester: Spring of every year Credits:Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3 3(3-0) Recommended Background: Graduate Status Description: Economic principles related to environmental conflicts and public policy alternatives. Applications to water quality, land use, fish and wildlife, conservation, development, and global environmental issues. Interdepartmental With: Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies, Economics, Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife, Park, Recreation and Tourism Resources Administered By: Agricultural Economics Effective Dates: SUMMER 2007 - Open View all versions of this course
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Semester: Spring of every year Credits:Total Credits: 3 Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 3 3(3-0) Recommended Background: STT 430 Description: Estimation and interpretation of multiple regression models and their modifications when usual assumptions are not valid. Applications focus on problems faced by agricultural economists. Effective Dates: SPRING 1999 - Open View all versions of this course
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