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3.00 Credits
(223) (Formerly offered as ECON 257.) First semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECON 1200 or both ECON 1201 and 1202. Kimenyi Analysis of poverty and income maintenance programs: theories of income distribution and comparison of public policies in the U.S. and other countries.
3.00 Credits
(232) (Formerly offered as ECON 264.) Second semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECON 1201 or 1200. Knoblauch, Langlois, Minkler Relations between government and business. Public policies enforcing, supplementing, or replacing competition in particular markets, studies of selected industries and legal cases.
3.00 Credits
(233) Either semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECON 1200 or 1201. Recommended preparation for those students who have passed ECON 1202. Economies of industries that use and manage ocean resources. Applications of industrial organization, law and economics, natural resource theory, and environmental economics.
3.00 Credits
(228) (Formerly offered as ECON 244.) First semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECON 1200 or both ECON 1201 and 1202. Economic transition of these formerly socialist economies into capitalist, market economies. Comparison of centrally planned and market economies. Problems of macroeconomic imbalance, economic distortions, shortages and repressed inflation. Means and timing of price liberalization, privatization, restructuring, currency convertibility, and building legal and financial institutions.
3.00 Credits
(237) (Formerly offered as ECON 231.) Second semester. Three credits. Prerequisites: ECON 2202, and 2411. Recommended preparation: One of: MATH 1071Q, 1121Q, 1131Q, 1110Q, or 1151Q. Ahking Emphasis on public policy: commercial bank regulations; the relation of liquidity to economic fluctuations; government lending agencies; and central bank policies and credit control.
3.00 Credits
(242) Either semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECON 2201. Recommended preparation: ECON 1200 or 1202 and one of: MATH 1071Q, 1110Q, 1121Q, 1131Q, or 1151Q. Matschke Economic basis of international trade, trade policies, and international economic organizations.
3.00 Credits
(242W) Prerequisite: ECON 2201; ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 3800. Recommended preparation: ECON 1200 or 1202 and one of: MATH 1071Q, 1110Q, 1121Q, 1131Q, or 1151Q.
3.00 Credits
(243) Either semester. Three credits. Prerequisites: ECON 2202. Recommended preparation: ECON 1200 or 1201 and one of: MATH 1071Q, 1121Q,1131Q, or 1151Q. Ahking, Cunningham, Zimmermann Payments and financing of international trade: foreign exchange markets, the balance of payments, capital flows, and international monetary arrangements.
3.00 Credits
(253) Either semester. Three credits. Prerequisites: ECON 2201. Recommended preparation: ECON 1200 or 1202 and one of: MATH 1071Q, 1110Q,1121Q,1131Q, or 1151Q. Dharmapala, Kimenyi, Miceli, Segerson Government expenditures and tax policies: theories of public choice, size and mix of government budgets, alternative tax systems, and tax reform.
3.00 Credits
(253W) Prerequisites: ECON 2201; ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 3800. Recommended preparation: ECON 1202, 1200 and one of: MATH 1071Q, 1110Q, 1121Q, 1131Q, or 1151Q.
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