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3.00 Credits
(207W) Prerequisite: ECON 1200 or 1201; ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 3800.
3.00 Credits
(202) Either semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECON 1200 or both ECON 1201 and 1202 or instructor consent. May be repeated for credit, with change in topic. Carstensen, Cosgel, Langlois, Minkler Special topics in economic history, the history of economic thought, the philosophy and methodology of economics, or alternative economic theories.
3.00 Credits
(202W) Prerequisite: ECON 1200 or both ECON 1201 and 1202 or instructor consent; ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 3800.
3.00 Credits
(218) Both semesters. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECON 1200 or 1201. Recommended preparation: ECON 1202 and one of MATH 1071Q, 1110Q, 1121Q, 1131Q, or 1151Q. Cosgel, Dharmapala, Heffley, Kimenyi, Knoblauch, Lott, Miceli, Minkler, Randolph, Ray, Segerson Intermediate microeconomic theory, covering demand and supply, exchange and production, pricing, and welfare economics.
3.00 Credits
(219) Both semesters. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECON 1200 or 1202. Recommended preparation: ECON 1201 and one of MATH 1071Q, 1110Q, 1121Q, 1131Q, or 1151Q. Ahking, Cunningham, Morand, Zimmermann Intermediate macroeconomic theory, covering national income accounting; the determination of aggregate output, employment and price levels; elements of business cycles and economic growth.
3.00 Credits
(214) First semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECON 1200 or both 1201 and 1202; MATH 1071Q or 1110Q or 1121Q or 1131Q. Heffley, Knoblauch, Lott, Ray, Segerson, Zimmermann Application of mathematical techniques to economic problems. Methods studied: set theory, linear algebra, equilibrium analysis, unconstrained and constrained optimization, comparative statics, and linear programming.
3.00 Credits
(212C) Second semester. Three credits. Two class periods and one 2-hour laboratory period. Prerequisite: ECON 1200 or both ECON 1201 and 1202; and MATH 1071Q or 1110Q or 1121Q or 1131Q; and STAT 1000QC or 1100QC. A course recommended for all students majoring in economics. Couch, Lott, Ray, Tripathi Introduction to the empirical testing of economic theories. Student projects testing simple economic models.
3.00 Credits
(213WC) Second semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECON 2311C; ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 3800. Lott, Ray, Tripathi Analysis of economic time series, estimation of single- and simultaneous-equation economic models, and statistical decision theory.
3.00 Credits
(216C) First semester. Three credits. Two 75-minute classes per week. Seven of the classes will be held at the computer lab. Recommended preparation: ECON 1200 or both ECON 1201 and 1202. Extensive use of computer spreadsheets to find efficient solutions to problems faced by managers in both the public and private sectors. Optimization of input and output mixes, of delivery routes, and communication networks.
3.00 Credits
(217) Either semester. Three credits. Prerequisites: ECON 1200 or both ECON 1201 and 1202; and STAT 1000QC or 1100QC. Ahking, Cosgel The presentation of economic data and testing of economic theory through the use of appropriate computer based tools. Analysis of macroeconomic concepts such as the consumption function, influence of the money supply, budget deficits, and interest rates on macroeconomic equilibrium, and the tradeoff between unemployment and inflation. Analysis of microeconomic concepts such as demand, supply, elasticity, the achievement of equilibrium price and quantity, and analysis of several industries and the stock market. Analysis of historical data such as aggregate and specific price levels, sectoral shifts in the economy, and changes in income distribution.
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