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3.00 Credits
(261) (Formerly offered as EE 261.) Semester by arrangement. Three credits. One class period and one 4- hour laboratory period. Prerequisite: ECE 2001W or 2609W; ECE 3101 and 3608, both of which may be taken concurrently. This course and ECE 3201 may not both be taken for credit. Introductory design laboratory. Use of personal computers to design and measure performance of analog electronic circuits and systems. Design with both integrated circuits and discrete components. Design of active filters, effects of feedback, broadbanding, oscillator design, A/D and D/A conversion systems, and low-noise amplifier design.
3.00 Credits
(262W) (Formerly offered as EE 262W.) Semester by arrangement. Three credits. One class period and one 4-hour laboratory period. Prerequisite: ECE 3609 or 3201; ENGL 1010 or 1011 or 3800. This course and ECE 3211 may not both be taken for credit. Switching electronic devices. Switching power supplies and motor control circuits. Bipolar and MOS digital circuits. Various computer tools.
3.00 Credits
(265) (Formerly offered as EE 265.) Either or both semesters. Three credits. Prerequisite: Instructor consent. May be taken twice for credit. Experimental design project undertaken by the student by special arrangement with a faculty member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
3.00 Credits
(295) (Formerly offered as EE 295.) Semester by arrangement. Credits by arrangement. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. With a change in content, this course may be repeated for credit. Classroom and/or laboratory course in special topics as announced in advance for each semester.
3.00 Credits
(299) (Formerly offered as EE 299.) Semester by arrangement. Credits by arrangement, not to exceed four in any semester. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. With a change in content, this course may be repeated for credit. Individual exploration of special topics as arranged by the student with course instructor.
3.00 Credits
(241) (Formerly offered as EE 241.) First semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECE 3101, or BME 3400 and STAT 3345Q . Communication of information over noisy channels. Fourier transform review, spectral analysis, and sampling. Amplitude, phase, and frequency modulation of a sinusoidal carrier. Time and frequency division multiplexing. Random processes and analysis of communication of systems in noise. Elements of digital communication systems.
3.00 Credits
(242) (Formerly offered as EE 242.) Semester by arrangement. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECE 3101 and STAT 3345Q. Fundamentals of digital communication systems. Encoding of analog signals for digital transmission. Basic information theory. Source encoding techniques. Baseband data transmission. Digital carrier modulation schemes. Multiplexing techniques. Basic error control coding.
3.00 Credits
(263) (Formerly offered as EE 263.) Semester by arrangement. Three credits. One 4-hour laboratory. Prerequisites: ECE 3001 and 3610W. Design and experimental evaluation of circuits and systems useful in communication, control, and other applications. Typical subject areas are: transmission lines, microwaves, antennas, AM/FM transmitters and receivers, TV cameras and receivers, communication between computers, laser communication, fiber-optics, pulse-code modulation, acoustics, hearing, rotating machines, servomechanisms, and microprocessors.
3.00 Credits
(234) (Formerly offered as EE 234.) First semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: ECE 3111. Analysis and design of control systems incorporating a digital computer as the controlling element. Building blocks of digital control. Measures of control system performance. Frequency domain and state variable methods of control design. Optimal control methods. State variable estimation. Implementation issues. Use of computer-aided software tools for simulation and design.
3.00 Credits
(267) (Formerly offered as EE 267.) Semester by arrangement. Three credits. One 4-hour laboratory period. Prerequisite: ECE 3111 and ECE 3211 or 3610W. Real-time digital control and signal processing systems. Typical topics include liquid level control, velocity and position control, digital filters, image processing, and power control electronics. Written and oral presentations of laboratory results.
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