Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
(193) Either or both semesters. Credits and topics must be approved by department head or dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Courses taken in agriculture, natural resources, and related areas as part of approved Study Abroad programs.
1.00 Credits
(198) Either semester. One credit. Prerequisite: Open to freshmen and sophomores only, others by instructor consent. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic for a maximum of 4 credits. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory). Readings, lectures, seminars, and field applications exploring content and associated scientific and social implications of current topics in agricultural, environmental, nutritional and health sciences.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
(293) Either semester or summer. One to six credits. Open to Junior - Senior students in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources with consent of the Dean, the student's department head and advisor. May be repeated for credit with the total credits earned not to exceed six. Designed to provide students with a meaningful experience in a formalized agricultural or natural resources program under supervised conditions. Each student taking this course must submit a formal written report for evaluation and meet all other course requirements as specified by the instructor.
3.00 Credits
(294) Either or both semesters. Credits and topics must be approved by department head or dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Courses taken in agriculture, natural resources, and related areas as part of approved Study Abroad programs.
3.00 Credits
(298) Either semester. Credits and hours by arrangement. Open only with consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic.
3.00 Credits
(299) Either or both semesters. Credits and hours by arrangement. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic. Prerequisite: Open only to students with Independent Study Authorization. A course designed for the student who wishes to pursue an investigation of specific problems related to domestic and foreign agriculture with particular emphasis on current problems in instruction, extension education, and research.
3.00 Credits
(Also offered as NUSC 1030). Second semester. Three credits. Open to freshman and sophomores in the Honors Program. Explores the biology of obesity including genetic predispositions and behaviors that increase obesity risk (dietary, physical activity, social, psychological), the obesigenic environment, including how communities are physically built, as well as the economic relationship to obesity risk, and policy and ethical implications for obesity prevention. Multi-level obesity prevention approaches that involve the individual, family, organization, community, and policy.
3.00 Credits
(195) Either semester. Credits, prerequisites, and hours as determined by the Senate Curricula and Courses Committee. May be repeated for credit with a change in topic.
1.00 Credits
(100) Semester and hours by arrangement. One credit. Open only with consent of instructor. Overview of health professions, team approach to health care delivery.
3.00 Credits
(101) Either semester. Three credits. Open to all students in the University. Wellness, holistic health, mind-body connection, health and wellness models, mental wellness, positive self-concept, preventing heart disease and cancer, licit and illicit lifestyle drugs, stress management, diet, nutrition, weight control, aerobic and anaerobic exercise, healthy lifestyle behaviors, applications to life.
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