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3.00 Credits
(280) (Also offered as CSE 3800.) Either semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: BIOL 1107, CSE 2500, and either STAT 3025Q or STAT 3345Q. Fundamental mathematical models and computational techniques in bioinformatics. Exact and approximate string matching, suffix trees, pairwise and multiple sequence alignment, Markov chains and hidden Markov models. Applications to sequence analysis, gene finding, database search, phylogenetic tree reconstruction.
3.00 Credits
(290) Both semesters. Three credits. This course is taken by seniors in the semester before BME 4910. Discussion of the design process; project statement, specifications project planning, scheduling and division of responsibility, ethics in engineering design, safety, environmental considerations, economic constraints, liability, manufacturing, and marketing. Projects are carried out using a team-based approach. Selection and analysis of a design project to be undertaken in BME 4910 is carried out. Written progress reports, a proposal, an interim project report, a final report, and oral presentations are required.
3.00 Credits
(291) Both semesters. Three credits. Prerequisite: BME 4900. Design of a device, circuit system, process, or algorithm. Team solution to an engineering design problem as formulated in BME 4900, from first concepts through evaluation and documentation. Written progress reports, a final report, and oral presentation are required.
3.00 Credits
(295) Semester, credits and hours by arrangement or as announced. Prerequisite and/or consent: Announced separately for each course. With a change in topic, this course may be repeated for credit. Classroom and/or laboratory courses in special topics as announced for each semester.
3.00 Credits
(299) Either semester. Credits and hours by arrangement or as announced. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. With a change in content, this course may be repeated for credit. Individual exploration of special topics as arranged by the student with an instructor of his or her choice.
3.00 Credits
(101) (Formerly offered as CLAS 101.) First semester. Three credits. A knowledge of Greek is not required. Travis A survey of classical Greece, with emphasis on literature, thought, and influence on contemporary culture. CA 1.
3.00 Credits
(102) (Formerly offered as CLAS 102.) Second semester. Three credits. A knowledge of Latin is not required. Johnson A survey of classical Rome, with emphasis on literature, thought, and influence on contemporary culture. CA 1.
3.00 Credits
(103) (Formerly offered as CLAS 103.) Either semester. Three credits. A knowledge of Greek or Latin is not required. Travis Origin, nature, and function of myth in the literature and art of Greece and Rome and the reinterpretation of classical myth in modern art forms. CA 1.
3.00 Credits
(105) (Formerly offered as CLAS 105.) Either semester. Three credits. A knowledge of Greek or Latin is not required. The Greek and Latin elements most used in the technical vocabulary of the biological and health sciences, with practice in the analysis of representative terms.
4.00 Credits
(121-122) (Formerly offered as CLAS 121-122.) Both semesters. Four credits each semester. Four class periods. Not open for credit to students who have had three or more years of Latin in high school, except with Departmental consent. A study of the essentials of Latin grammar designed to prepare the student to read simple classical Latin prose.
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