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3.00 Credits
Electronics II deals with the analysis and design of complex analog integrated circuits(ICs). The course covers single stage IC amplifiers, differential and multistage amplifiers, feedback, frequency response, signal generators and an overview of output stages and power amplifiers. Lec 3, Cr 3.
Prerequisite: ENGR 3421.
3.00 Credits
Power Electronics deals with power diodes and transistors; static converters; DC power suppliers; power transistor circuits; silicon-controlled rectifiers classical and modern forced-commutation inverters; choppers, cycloconverters, and applications in power. Lec 3, Cr 3.
Prerequisite: ENGR 4322
3.00 Credits
This course is the second part of a two-term sequence on modeling, analysis and control of dynamic systems. This second term emphasizes practical applications of control theory industry. Lec 3, Cr 3.
Prerequisite: ENGR 3310 and ENGR 4442.
4.00 Credits
This course introduces basic principles of fluid mechanics and its application. Topics include kinematics, hydrostatics, incompressible flow, integral and differential relations for control volumes, continuity and N-S equation, dimensional analysis, viscous flows in ducts, and boundary layer theory. Lec 3, Lab 3, Cr 4.
Prerequisite: ENGR 2302, ENGR 2332, and ENGR 3303.
4.00 Credits
This course is an introduction to manufacturing process including metal cutting, measurements and metrology, deformation processes, casting, welding, joining, and composites. Lec 3, Lab 3, Cr 3.
Prerequisite: ENGR 3405 and ENGR 4308.
4.00 Credits
High Frequency Engineering deals thoroughly with the particular problems faced when working with microwave frequencies, from microwave devices to satellite communications. Lec 3, Lab 3, Cr 3.
Prerequisite: PHYS 2326, PHYS 2126, MATH 2321, and ENGR 3421.
4.00 Credits
Topics of this course include: an overview of electronic power systems from energy sources through generation and distribution to end user motors, principles of electro-magnetism, analysis of three phase systems, and a selection of in-depth studies of transformers, induction and synchronous motors and generators, distribution fault analysis, and alternative energy. Lec 3, Lab 3, Cr 4.
Prerequisite: ENGR 3320 or ENGT 1402 or ENGT 1409, and MATH 2414, or consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
This course is an introduction to telecommunications principles including analysis of modulation and multiplexing, transmission media, switching techniques and modern communications models and standards. Lec 3, Lab 3, Cr 3.
Prerequisite: ENGR 4322 and PHYS 3490.
4.00 Credits
This course exposes students to the solution of feedback control problems involving mechanical, thermal and electrical systems and their couplings via computational methods (math CAD and MATLAB) laboratory experimentation. Lec 3, Lab 3, Cr 4.
Prerequisite: (ENGR 2302, ENGR 3303, and ENGR 3421) or (ENGR 2302, MEET 3430, ENGT 1409 and MATH 2321) or (PHYS 2326, ELET 3410, and MATH 2321).
4.00 Credits
This course is the first part of a two-term sequence on modeling, analysis and control of dynamic systems. It exposes students to the solution of problems involving mechanical, thermal and electrical systems and their couplings via computational methods and laboratory experimentation. Lec 3, Lab 3, Cr 3.
Prerequisite: MEET 3430, MEET 3431, and ENGR 3310.
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