Course Criteria
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0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Continued development and review of all language skills within a Chinese cultural framework.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
More advanced practice in all language skills with greater emphasis on reading within a Chinese cultural framework.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Overview of developmentally appropriate curriculum adhering to state and national standards for grades 4-8. Includes the application of learning theory in a safe classroom environment with a focus on cooperative learning, direct instruction, discovery learning, technology, and learner-centered instruction. Prerequisites: RDG 3315, 4310; 2.50 Texas State GPA.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Course focuses on an examination of learners, educators, curriculum, learning processes, teaching, instructional materials, and assessment. The historical, legal, and political contexts of public schooling in America are included. Current trends and issues are addressed. Prerequisites: Junior classification; 2.50 Texas State GPA. ( WI)
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Students will study human development and learning theories, including social and cultural factors that affect learning. Implications for classrooms and teaching will be discussed. Students will also examine education as a profession. Prerequisites: Junior classification; 2.50 Texas State GPA. ( WI)
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Course focuses on design and application of curricula including content, instructional methodologies and assessment. Foundational theories of human development and learning will be used as students focus on the organization of content, instructional strategies, classroom environment, utilization of materials, and assessment. Prerequisites: CI 3310, 3315; RDG 4320; 2.50 Texas State GPA. 3325 Adolescent Growth and Development. (3-0) Study of biological, cognitive, and psychological theories and processes of adolescence. Prepares prospective teachers to understand abilities, behaviors, and needs of learners. Roles of family, peer groups, and culture examined with the aid of contemporary adolescent literature. Prerequisites: Junior classification; 2.50 Texas State GPA.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
The rationale, history, and philosophy of bilingual education, planning for the provision of the cultural, motivational, and self-concept influences that mediate the learning process of the limited English proficiency pupil in the elementary classroom. Prerequisites: Junior classification; 2.50 Texas State GPA.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Course provides the knowledge and skills needed to use the major concepts and processes from the fine arts and the social sciences to develop appropriate curriculum for the elementary school student. Assessment of student needs relevant to the fine arts and social studies curriculum, planning lessons and integrated units, effective instructional delivery, and evaluation of student progress and pre-service teacher effectiveness are included in this field-based course. Prerequisites: CI 3315; GEO 1310; 2.50 Texas State GPA. (WI)
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and moral characteristics of young adolescents in contexts of family, community, school, society. History and philosophy of middle school as a developmentally appropriate environment for young adolescents. Continued study of instruction that is affectively and cognitively appropriate for young adolescents. Prerequisites: RDG 4310; RDG 3315; 2.50 Texas State GPA.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Course will focus on classroom management theories and models. Personal philosophy, beliefs, and style of teaching will be examined as they relate to the various methods of classroom management, student discipline, and teacher-student relationships. Prerequisites: CI 3310, 3315; RDG 4320; 2.50 Texas State GPA.
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