Course Criteria
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0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Fundamentals of classical mechanics. Topics include particle dynamics in one, two and three dimensions: conservation laws; dynamics of a system of particles; motion of rigid bodies; central force problems; accelerating coordinate systems; Newton's theory of gravitation; Lagrange's and Hamilton's formulationsof classical mechanics. Prerequisite: PHYS 2426. Corequisite: MATH 3315.
3.00 Credits
A course in special relativity and elementary quantum mechanics. Topics include relativistic description of space-time, relativistic energy and momentum, the uncertainty principle, Schrödinger’s equation, observables and operators, bound states, potential barriers, and the quantum description of the hydrogen atom. Prerequisite: PHYS 2426. Corequisite: MATH 3315.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
A course in special relativity and elementary quantum mechanics. Topics include relativistic description of space-time, relativistic energy and momentum, the uncertainty principle, Schr?dinger's equation, observables and operators, bound states, potential barriers, and the quantum description of the hydrogen atom. Prerequisite: PHYS 2426. Corequisite: MATH 3315.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Subject materials will be chosen from Electromagnetic Field Theory, Thermodynamics, Mathematical Methods of Physics, Waves and Optics, Advanced Modern Physics, Quantum Theory, Computational Physics, Geophysics, Environmental Physics and Medical Physics. May be repeated for credit if topics selected are different. Prerequisites vary. Instructor’s permission required.
3.00 Credits
Subject materials will be chosen from Electromagnetic Field Theory, Thermodynamics, Mathematical Methods of Physics, Waves and Optics, Advanced Modern Physics, Quantum Theory, Computational Physics, Geophysics, Environmental Physics and Medical Physics. May be repeated for credit if topics selected are different. Prerequisites vary. Instructor's permission required.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Requires a formal proposal of study to be completed in advance of registration and to be approved by the supervising faculty, the Chairperson, and the Dean of the College.
3.00 Credits
A basic survey of American government, including fundamental political institutions, with special attention to the United States and Texas Constitutions. Meets the University core requirement and the Texas state statutory requirement for U.S. and Texas constitutions
3.00 Credits
The politics, government, and administration of American states, counties, cities, and special districts, with special emphasis on Texas. Meets the University core requirement and the Texas state statutory requirement for U.S. and Texas constitutions
3.00 Credits
The politics, government, and administration of American states, counties, cities, and special districts, with special emphasis on Texas. (Meets the University core requirement and the Texas state statutory requirement in Texas government.)
3.00 Credits
Analysis of current problems in national and international politics. Emphasis is on methods of analysis, particularly the use of computers. Includes a segment on career opportunities for political science majors. Satisfies university computer literacy requirement.
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