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3.00 Credits
This course is a study of the ethics of human relationships. Topics include friendship, romance, marriage, sexual orientation, adultery, promiscuity, sexual consent, sexual harassment, rape, pornography, and prostitution.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to philosophical issues concerning the law, such as the nature of law, relations between law and morality, theories of legal responsibility, and the role of law in society.
3.00 Credits
A survey of classical and contemporary material in social and political philosophy, covering topics such as individual liberty and government intervention, the role of government, and social justice.
3.00 Credits
An exploration of a variety of views concerning the meaning of life. Three kinds of responses to the question of life’s meaning will be examined: theistic responses; non-theistic responses focusing on the creation of personal meaning within a natural universe; and responses that challenge the intelligibility of the question regarding the meaning of life.
3.00 Credits
A course on technical methods and foundational issues in Philosophy, Computer Science, and Mathematics. Topics include the Propositional Calculus, First-Order Predicate Calculus, meta-theoretic results (such as consistency, soundness, completeness, and decidability), and Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory.
3.00 Credits
An exploration of issues in contemporary philosophy such as the nature of life, personhood and self, knowledge and skepticism, time travel, and obligations to the non-human world. The course combines the reading of purely philosophical works with an examination of contemporary works of science fiction (including novels, short stories, and films).
3.00 Credits
Why is it wrong to kill? Is killing an innocent person ever justified? Under what conditions can we justify war? How should we respond to terrorist threats? The course explores ethical theories in application to these and similar issues.
3.00 Credits
A study of the relationship of the mental to the physical as it pertains to the foundations of psychology, artificial intelligence, and robotics.
3.00 Credits
An examination of issues in contemporary metaphysics, such as freedom of the will and determinism, the nature of causation, the mind-body problem, and the existence of abstract and concrete entities.
3.00 Credits
An exploration of central issues in the theory of knowledge, such as the nature and extent of knowledge, skepticism, and theories of justification.
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