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1.00 Credits
MSCI 1171/MSL 1102 introduces leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills. You will explore dimensions of leadership attributes and core leader competencies in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises.
3.00 Credits
Methods and techniques of survival in various situations; designed to enhance self confidence and physical fitness through active participation in adventure training. Examines basic first?aid procedures, supplemented by training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
3.00 Credits
MSCI 2370/MSL 201 explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and two historical leadership theories that form the basis of the Army leadership framework. Aspects of personal motivation and team building are practiced planning, executing and assessing team exercises. While participation in the leadership labs is not mandatory during the Military Science Level II (MSL II) year, significant experience can be gained in a multitude of areas and participation in the labs is highly encouraged. The focus continues to build on developing knowledge of the leadership attributes and core leader competencies through the understanding of Army rank, structure, and duties as well as broadening knowledge of land navigation and squad tactics. Case studies will provide a tangible context for learning the Soldier’s Creed and Warrior Ethos as they apply in the contemporary operating environment.
3.00 Credits
Application of leadership principles and basic military skills; provides instruction in fire?team and squad level and examines the organization and role of the United States Army; increased emphasis on advanced land navigation and first?aid techniques; stresses physical fitness and provides adventure training.
3.00 Credits
MSCI 2371/MSL 202 examines the challenges of leading tactical teams in the complex contemporary operating environment (COE). This course highlights dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, and operation orders. Further study of the theoretical basis of the Army Leadership Requirements Model explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations. MSCI 2371 provides a smooth transition into MSCI 3303. Cadets develop greater self awareness as they assess their own leadership styles and practice communication and team building skills. COE case studies give insight into the importance and practice of teamwork and tactics in real-world scenarios.
3.00 Credits
Advanced leadership principles and basic military skills; personnel management and motivational techniques studied through placement of students in leadership positions in assigned missions; studies the organization of the United States Army through battalion level. Stresses physical fitness and provides adventure training in leadership positions.
3.00 Credits
MSCI 3303/MSL 301 this is an academically challenging course were you will study, practice, and apply the fundamentals of Army leadership, Officership, Army values and ethics, personal development, and small unit tactics at the team and squad level. At the conclusion of this course, you will be capable of planning, coordinating, navigating, motivating and leading a team or squad in the execution of a tactical mission during a classroom practical exercise (PE), a Leadership Lab, or during a Situational Training Exercise (STX) in a field environment. Successful completion of this course will help prepare you for success at the ROTC Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) which you will attend next summer at Fort Lewis, WA. This course includes reading assignments, homework assignments, small group assignments, briefings, case studies, and practical exercises, a mid-term exam, and a final exam. You will receive systematic and specific feedback on your leader attributes values and core leader competencies from your instructor and other ROTC cadre and MS IV Cadets who will evaluate you using the ROTC Leader Development Program (LDP) model. Prerequisite: Approval of Professor of Military Science.
3.00 Credits
Methods and techniques of planning, preparing and conducting individual and collective military training. Leadership laboratory may be conducted off campus and additional activities are conducted on weekends. Prerequisite: Approval of Professor of Military Science.
3.00 Credits
MSCI 3304/ MSL 302 this is an academically challenging course were you will study, practice, and apply the fundamentals of Army leadership, Officership, Army values and ethics, personal development, and small unit tactics at the team and squad level. At the conclusion of this course, you will be capable of planning, coordinating, navigating, motivating and leading a team or squad in the execution of a tactical mission during a classroom PE, a Leadership Lab, or during a Situational Training Exercise (STX) in a field environment. Successful completion of this course will help prepare you for success at the ROTC Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) which you will attend this summer at Fort Lewis, WA. This course includes reading assignments, homework assignments, small group assignments, briefings, case studies, and practical exercises, a mid-term exam, and a final exam. You will receive continued systematic and specific feedback on your leader attributes values and core leader competencies from me and other ROTC cadre and MS IV Cadets who will evaluate you using the ROTC Leader Development Program (LDP) model. Prerequisite: Approval of Professor of Military Science.
3.00 Credits
The leader's role in small unit tactics. Offensive and defensive operations. Communications equipment, weapons and other tactical equipment. Leadership laboratory work may be conducted off campus on weekends. Prerequisite: Approval of Professor of Military Science.
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