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0.00 - 3.00 Credits
A course to introduce students to mathematical topics in a formal setting. The course may support problem solving, or systematic investigations of topics outside the current mathematical catalog. May not be substituted for regularly scheduled offerings. May be repeated for credit. Cr/NC. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department Chair.
4.00 Credits
An introduction to statistical concepts and methods used in all disciplines to enhance decision making based on data analysis, including: basic experimental design models, measurement and data collection through sampling; display and summary of information, and assessment of relationship through descriptive techniques; probability concepts leading to estimation and hypothesis testing of means, variance and proportions, regression analysis, one-factor ANOVA and chi-square test of independence; and applications through case studies. The laboratory component of the course offers applications of the theory presented during the classroom sessions. Counts as the mathematics component of the University Core Curriculum. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or placement beyond MATH 1314; also non-remedial status in Reading and Writing as determined by placement testing or THEA. Fall, Spring, Summer.
4.00 Credits
An introduction to statistical concepts and methods used in all disciplines to enhance decision making based on data analysis, including: basic experimental design models, measurement and data collection through sampling; display and summary of information, and assessment of relationship through descriptive techniques; probability concepts leading to estimation and hypothesis testing of means, variance and proportions, regression analysis, one-factor ANOVA and chi-square test of independence; and applications through case studies. The laboratory component of the course offers applications of the theory presented during the classroom sessions. Counts as the mathematics component of the University Core Curriculum. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or placement beyond MATH 1314; also non-remedial status in Reading and Writing as determined by placement testing or THEA. Fall, Spring, Summer.
4.00 Credits
A course designed to lead the student to an understanding of how mathematics can be used to model real world systems. Modeling topics include: types of models; identifying relevant variables and potential relationships between them; collecting data; evaluating the fit between model and reality; and explaining the model and its implications to others. Includes a laboratory component. Mathematical examples are taken from the areas of population, biology, optimization, and game theory. Counts as the mathematics component of the University Core Curriculum. Prerequisite: MATH 0399 or placement beyond MATH 0399; also non-remedial status in Reading and Writing as determined by placement testing or THEA. Fall, Spring, Summer.
2.00 - 3.00 Credits
A course designed to lead the student to an understanding of how mathematics can be used to model real world systems. Modeling topics include: types of models; identifying relevant variables and potential relationships between them; collecting data; evaluating the fit between model and reality; and explaining the model and its implications to others. Includes a one-hour laboratory component. Mathematical examples are taken from the areas of population, biology, optimization, and game theory. Counts as the mathematics component of the University Core Curriculum. Prerequisite: MATH 0399 or placement beyond MATH 0399; also non-remedial status in Reading and Writing as determined by placement testing or THEA. Fall, Spring, Summer.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to topics in Discrete Mathematics with an emphasis on applications in Mathematics and Computer Science. Topics include formal logic, graphs, trees and related algorithms, and combinatorics and discrete probability. Prerequisites: MATH 1314 and 1316, or MATH 2312, or placement beyond MATH 2312. Fall, Spring, Summer.
3.00 Credits
A more rapid treatment of the material in MATH 1314 and MATH 1316, this course is designed for students who wish a review of the above material, or who are very well prepared. Functions, graphs, trigonometry, and analytic geometry. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or placement into MATH 2312. Fall, Spring, Summer.
4.00 Credits
Limits, continuity, derivatives, applications of the derivative, and an introduction to integrals. Contains a laboratory component. Counts as the mathematics component of the University Core Curriculum. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 and 1316, or MATH 2312, or placement beyond MATH 2312. Fall, Spring, Summer.
4.00 Credits
Integration, applications of integration, especially to differential equations, sequences, series, Taylor polynomials and series. Contains a one-hour laboratory component. Prerequisite: MATH 2413. Fall, Spring, Summer.
3.00 Credits
Characteristics of geographic/spatial information; overview of relevant sections of numbers, algebra and geometry, plane and spherical trigonometry, matrices, determinants and vectors, curves and surfaces, integral and differential calculus, partial derivatives, with an emphasis on geospatial applications. Concepts of geospatial coordinate systems and geospatial coordinate transformations; overview of spatial statistics and best-fit solutions with geospatial applications. Students may not receive credit for both MATH 3300 and GISC 3300. Prerequisite: MATH 2413 and MATH 2414
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