Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Topics include number concepts, computation, elementary algebra, geometry, and mathematical reasoning. Also, linear equations and inequalities, rational expressions, exponents and radicals, quadratics and word problems. May be repeated for credit as needed to complete mastery of all topics. (Not counted toward graduation.) Fall, Spring, Summer.
3.00 Credits
Number concepts, computation, elementary algebra, geometry, and mathematical reasoning. (Not counted toward graduation.) Fall, Spring, Summer.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Number concepts, computation, elementary algebra, geometry, and mathematical reasoning. (Not counted toward graduation.) Fall, Spring, Summer.
3.00 Credits
Topics include linear equations and inequalities, rational expressions, exponents and radicals, quadratics and word problems. Prerequisite: MATH 0398 or placement into MATH 0399. Fall, Spring, Summer. Not counted toward graduation.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Topics include linear equations and inequalities, rational expressions, exponents and radicals, quadratics and word problems. (Not counted toward graduation.) Prerequisite: MATH 0398 or placement into MATH 0399. Fall, Spring, Summer.
3.00 Credits
Quadratic equations, inequalities, graphs, logarithms and exponentials, theory of polynomial equations, systems of equations. Counts as the mathematics component of the University Core Curriculum. Prerequisite: MATH 0399 or placement into MATH 1314. Fall, Spring, Summer.
3.00 Credits
Trigonometric functions, identities, equations involving trigonometric functions, solutions of right and oblique triangles. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or placement into MATH 1316. Fall, Spring.
3.00 Credits
This course is designed specifically for students majoring in business. The course shows students how to apply the language of mathematics to business problems, and how to use computers to do mathematics. The course will provide students with communication skills, creative problem solving skills, and the ability to work in teams. The course is centered on two significant business problems and the tools, both mathematical and computer based, that are needed for their solutions. A spreadsheet will be used to assist students with the mathematics and with the presentation of their results. Counts as the mathematics component of the University Core Curriculum. Prerequisite: MATH 1314 or placement beyond MATH 1314.
3.00 Credits
This class is intended to develop the fundamentals of calculus and optimization using technology. The topics to discuss include Graphing Functions, Trend Lines, Demand, Revenue, Cost and Profit, Differentiation (Rate of Change) and its applications, Using Solver, Integration (Area under the curve) and its applications, Normal Distributions, Simulating Normal Random Variables, Hospital Administration. Counts as the mathematics component of the University Core Curriculum. Prerequisite: MATH 1324. Fall, Spring, Summer.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
A course to introduce students to mathematical topics in a formal setting. The course may support problem solving, or systematic investigations of topics outside the current mathematical catalog. May not be substituted for regularly scheduled offerings. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department Chair. Cr/NC. May be repeated for credit.
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