Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This course involves the study of the psychological, sociological and physiological aspects of human sexuality. Emphasis will be placed on awareness of one's own sexuality and adaptation and on the interpersonal aspects of sexuality. Crosslisted as SOCI 2306 (3 lecture hours per week) Prerequisites: READ 0310 and ENGL 0310 [ CB4201015325]
3.00 Credits
This course includes a study of the physical and psychological development of the child from conception to adolescence, with emphasis on factors which influence growth and development. The course is designed to help individuals develop skills in observing and interpreting children's behavior. (3 lecture hours per week). Corequisite: ENGL 0310, READ 0310. [ CB4207015125]
3.00 Credits
This course provides a study of development from conception to death with emphasis on factors which influence growth and development. Consideration will be given to social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth and development at each period of the lifespan. (3 lecture hours per week) Prerequisites: READ 0310 and ENGL 0310. [ CB42.0701.5125]
3.00 Credits
This course is a study of the processes involved in the adjustment of individuals to their personal and social environments. Emphasis will be placed on the principles of effective behavior which underlie personal adjustment. (3 lecture hours per week) Prerequisites: READ 0310 and ENGL 0310 [ CB42.0101.5625]
3.00 Credits
This course explores such topics as measures of central tendency and variability, statistical inference, correlation and regression. (3 lecture hours per week). Prerequisites: PSYC 2301, MATH 0310. [ CB4201015225]
3.00 Credits
This course will review the nature, extent and causes of juvenile delinquency; youthful offenders and their career patterns; institutional controls and correctional programs. Crosslisted as SOCI 2339. (3 lecture hours per week) Prerequisites: READ 0310 and ENGL 0310. [ CB42.1601.5125]
3.00 Credits
This course involves a study of individual behavior within the social environment. It may include topics such as the socio-psychological process, attitude formation and change, interpersonal relations and group processes. Crosslisted as SOCI 2326. (3 lecture hours per week) Prerequisites: READ 0310 and ENGL 0310. [ CB42.1601.5125]
3.00 Credits
An introduction to process operations in refineries and chemical plants. The course includes: process technician duties, responsibilities, equipment, and expectations; plant organizations; review of applied mathematics; applied physics; applied chemistry; plant process and utility systems; maintenance expectations for process technicians; communication skills; quality statistics, economics, and problem solving. A discussion of physical and mental requirements of the process technician, family, and career considerations is included. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours per week). [ CIP410301]
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the fire triangle, firefighting for process technicians; hazards of air, steam, water, electricity, light hydrocarbons, operating hazards, properties of hazardous materials, personal protective equipment, engineering and administrative controls, testing equipment; and regulatory review-Federal, state, local. (3 lecture hours, 1 lab hour per week) [ CIP410301]
3.00 Credits
This course introduces the student to the varied instruments and instrument systems employed in the refining and chemical industry. It includes primary variables: flow, temperature, pressure, level; analyzers, piping and instrument symbology and diagrams, hardware, control fired equipment, separation equipment; troubleshooting. (2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours per week) [ CIP410301]
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