Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Continuation of 331. Electronic and optical properties of materials, mainly semiconductors, applied to the performance and design of electronic devices. Measurements and analysis of these properties will be performed in the laboratory. (Lec. 4) Pre: (313 and 322 and 331 and 342) or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Representation of signals and noise. Basic principles of modulation and demodulation. Waveform and digital transmission systems. Design of a component of a communication system. (Lec. 3) Pre: ((215 or 341) and 314 and EGR 106 and (credit or concurrent enrollment in 436)) or permission of instructor.
1.00 Credits
Laboratory exercises related to topics in 435. (Lab. 3) Pre: ((215 or 341), 314, EGR 106 and (credit or concurrent enrollment in 435)) or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Computer networks, layering standards, communication fundamentals, error detection and recovery, queuing theory, delay versus throughput trade-offs in networks, multiple-access channels, design issues in wide and local area networks. (Lec. 3) Pre: ((205 or 208 or CSC 211) and (436 or MTH 451 or ISE 411)) or permission of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Elementary cryptography, public key, private key, symmetric key, authentication protocols, firewalls, virtual private networks, transport layer security, and wireless network security. (Lec. 3, Project 3) Pre: 208 or MTH 362 or MTH 451 or ISE 411 or junior or senior standing in computer engineering or computer science or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Review of number systems, combinational and sequential logic, state machine. Design capture tools, hardware/software design, system implementation using PC's, MSI circuits, and FPGAs (Lec. 3) Pre: ((205 or 208) and 313 and 341 and (credit or concurrent enrollment in 445)) or permission of instructor.
1.00 Credits
Laboratory exercises related to topics in 444. (Lab. 3) Pre: ((205 or 208), 313, 341 and (credit or concurrent enrollment in 444)) or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to full custom digital integrated circuit design. Analysis of logic functions and timing at the transistor level. Realization of logic functions via hand crafted transistor layout. Design project. (Lec. 3) Pre: (202 and 341 and 313 and PHY 204 and (credit or concurrent enrollment in 448)) or permission of instructor.
1.00 Credits
Laboratory exercises related to topics in 447. (Lab. 3) Pre: (202, 341, 313, PHY 204 and (credit or concurrent enrollment in 447)) or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Fundamental techniques for the analysis and design of linear feedback systems. Stability, sensitivity, performance criteria, steady-state error, Nyquist criterion, root locus techniques, and compensation methods. (Lec. 3) Pre: ((205 or 208) and 314) or permission of instructor.
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