Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Focus on writing a short source paper. Review of rules for essay formatting, use of transitional elements, development of effective introductions and conclusions. Introduction to analysis and synthesis as rhetorical styles; process of writing a short resource paper, including MLA or APA documentation style, process of selecting and narrowing a topic, and incorporating citations. Emphasis is on using sources provided by instructor to develop a short resource paper using correct documentation style.
3.00 Credits
Focus on textual analysis and comprehension skills in academic passages. Introduction to concepts of author's point of view, audience, and purpose in reading selections; predicting possible examination questions related to readings; answering essay questions under time constraints. Emphasis is on reading passages from academic texts and a novel.
3.00 Credits
Focus on topics relating to American issues. Expansion of note-taking and oral presentation skills, including ability to summarize events from taped television and radio news and/or lectures; participation in small group discussions by taking a variety of group roles and employing active listening techniques; presentation using information gathered from interviews and questionnaires. Emphasis is on further expanding note-taking and discussion skills in academic situations.
3.00 Credits
A quick review and expansion of perfective verb forms, subordination/coordination of structures, and conditionals; an introduction to subjunctive, fronting and inversion of structures. Emphasis is on usage, particularly in editing, academic writing and oral presentations.
3.00 Credits
Focus on writing a multi-page research paper. Review of essay form, research process, including selecting and narrowing topic, note-taking, summarizing and paraphrasing material, using documentation style. Introduction to material collection from library and primary sources, development of a bibliography, and use of library data bases for research. Emphasis on locating and selecting appropriate sources to use in writing a multi-page research paper that demonstrates sophistication of thought process and mastery of expository writing techniques.
3.00 Credits
Focus on expanding critical thinking skills introduced in earlier levels, including determining author's point of view and tone, distinguishing fact from opinion, inferring information from textual cues, and predicting possible examination questions about readings. Emphasis is on reading unabridged academic passages and a full-length novel.
3.00 Credits
Focus on topics related to global issues. Further expansion of note-taking skills in full-length classroom and taped lectures; active participation in small group discussions, producing written summaries of individual and group progress; preparation and delivery of small group and individual oral presentations related to global issues that demonstrate evidence of research and organizational cues/transitions; use of visual aids, including those developed from software programs. Emphasis is on using research to develop and support ideas in discussions and presentations.
2.00 Credits
A variety of classes aimed at learning English in a variety of manners, ie. English through Drama, Pronunciation, Vocabulary Building, just to name a few. Course selection varies on a quarterly basis.
4.00 Credits
See department for course description.
4.00 Credits
General introduction to what languages are like, how they are used, and how they vary, focusing on how language is learned and produced. Some questions that will be addressed include: Is language innate? Is it unique to humans? How is language related to thought or to culture? How is language represented in the brain? How is language acquired in different cultures and different circumstances?
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