Course Criteria
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1.00 Credits
See department for course description.
3.00 Credits
See department for course description.
3.00 Credits
Materials grades K-5. Traditional genres such as picture books, traditional tales, modern realism, romance, adventure, mystery, historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy, biography, poetry, and nonfiction. Study of literature that illustrates cultural diversity. Resources for selection; awards and honors.
3.00 Credits
A survey of global literature for use with students in elementary, middle, or high school classrooms. A major focus will be on selecting reading materials and using them in the library and classroom.
3.00 Credits
Study of the school library media center and its integral role in the instructional program of the school. The school library media movement. Focus on the leadership role of the media specialist; management of personnel; media program budgeting; facility planning; role of state and national standards in planning, evaluation, and development; other administrative areas. Field activities included.
4.00 Credits
An analysis of reference services and procedures. Study of print, nonprint, and electronic database reference sources to include bibliographic tools, indexes, encyclopedias, ready references, biographical tools, geographical tools, dictionaries, government documents, and specialized materials. Research in reference services and technological delivery systems.
6.00 Credits
An introduction to form, meaning and use of simple verb tenses; use of and, but, so, because, if; simple present, present continuous, simple past, future (be going to) verb tenses; use of should, must, can, can't; subject, object, possessive, demonstrative pronouns. Students will learn to identify parts of speech and sentences and write cohesive, coherent paragraphs; understand and use the basic rules for capitalization, punctuation and spelling; practice good penmanship.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to basic reading skills including basic comprehension, pre-reading, skimming, and scanning; guessing meaning from content; finding main ideas; differentiating between fact and opinion. Introduction to basic dictionary skills; main idea vs. supporting details. Emphasis on building vocabulary and reading for basic understanding.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to basic listening and speaking skills. Practice with listening to conversations and interviews; asking/answering questions; making positive and negative statements in present and past tenses; describing things and places; expressing wants, needs and likes. Emphasis is on pronunciation and understanding and being understood in simple conversational situations.
6.00 Credits
Focus on sentence structure, developing a basic single paragraph with topic and supporting sentences. Introduction to narrative and descriptive rhetorical styles, general and specific ideas, basic rules of paragraph formatting, word processor for paragraph revision, and e-mail for correspondence. An introduction to form, meaning and use of the present, past, and future tenses, including statement and question forms; contractions; time expressions used with each tense; count/non-count nouns; pronouns; demonstratives; prepositions; and comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs. Emphasis on developing paragraphs with correct sentence structure.
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