Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Computability theory; study of models of computation (Turing, Church, Kleene), recursive function theory, properties of recursive, and recursively innumerable sets.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to fundamental concepts of database management using primarily the relational model. Schema design and refinement. Query languages. Database application environments. Physical data organization. Overview of query optimization and processing, physical design, recovery and concurrency control. Query processing for search engines. The course will cover topics such as security, data warehousing and analytic databases. Students will present a report on an advanced topic.
3.00 Credits
Provides a broad overview of computer security. Provides a solid theoretical foundation, as well as real-world examples, for understanding computer security. Fundamental theoretical results, foundational models, and salient examples will be covered. Security in computer operating systems, networks, and data will be covered, with emphasis on operating system and program security.
3.00 Credits
Advanced study of the protocols and algorithms used in the Internet (IETF) family of networking protocols. For example, ARP, IP, UDP, TCP, multicasting, routing protocols like RIP and OSPF, and application protocols like DNS, NFS, SNMP, FTP and HTTP. Issues such as addressing, name service, protocol design, and scaleability will be explored.
3.00 Credits
See department for description.
3.00 Credits
The purpose of this course is to make participants better scholars in Computer Science. In particular it attempts to help students become better researchers, better writers, better presenters, and better reviewers. It concentrates on reading, writing and composition skills: on the production and consumption of the "media" used by computer scientists to communicate professionally. At the completion of the course, students should be familiar with the tasks and activities of modern scholars in computer science.
4.00 Credits
Beginning Danish. Emphasis on communication skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing.
2.00 Credits
See department for course description.
4.00 Credits
Principles and applications of static equilibrium to structures and machines.
4.00 Credits
Fundamental principles and methods of Newtonian mechanics including kinematics and kinetics of motion and the conservation laws of mechanics. Basic particle and rigid body applications.
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