Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
A study in the basic building blocks of how to approach, prepare, and act a role. Text analysis, improvisation, exercises to expand the imaginative world of the play, preparation, commitment to an action, commitment to body and voice exercises to increase awareness, and how to work collaboratively.
4.00 Credits
Develop an awareness and appreciation of dance in its artistic, social and cultural contexts through a variety of experiences, viewing and participating in dance. Will cover the basic roles in dance along with concepts and principals such as space, time and effort as well as expression, form, style and period.
3.00 Credits
First term of sequence concerns the planning and building of sets and stage properties, and the production organization skills needed to mount theatrical productions. Second term adds elements of stage lighting, scene painting, and theater sound. Both terms require a three-hour lab period per week and participation in departmental productions presented that term. Must be taken in sequence.
1.00 Credits
Attached lab to TA 111 will combine skills in practical construction of stage sets with actual production experience on department productions.
4.00 Credits
An introductory course in film appreciation with special emphasis on cinema as a dramatic art. Elements to be considered will include cinematography, performance, edited image, and sound. Selected films will be shown.
3.00 Credits
An introductory course in basic principles and techniques of voice production specifically for stage performance including physiology, breath support and resonance, articulation and projection.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to concepts and techniques of theatrical movement and physical theater. Will utilize a variety of relaxation, centering, stylization, and imagery exercises designed to increase body awareness and expressiveness. Skills in ensemble, mime, mask, and light acrobatics will be developed.
2.00 Credits
Beginning modern dance technique, emphasis on body alignment, strength, flexibility and development of basic technical skills. Maximum: 12 credits.
2.00 Credits
Beginning ballet technique, emphasis on body alignment, development of basic technical skills, and understanding basic ballet vocabulary. Maximum: 12 credits.
3.00 Credits
Seeks to acquaint the student through exercises, theater games, and study of basic techniques for creative role playing with the skills and techniques necessary for improvisational acting and development of material for public performance. Must be taken in sequence.
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