Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
See department for course description.
4.00 Credits
An introduction to techniques of applied probability, statistics, and data analysis. Stat 451/551: sample spaces, probability and counting measures, discrete and continuous probability models, sampling theory, and computer applications. .
3.00 Credits
Theory of probability, distributions of random variables, central limit theorem, sampling distributions, point and interval estimation, tests of hypotheses, analysis of variance. Courses must be taken in sequence.
3.00 Credits
Basic concepts of regression analysis, matrix approach to linear regression selecting the “best” regression equation, and multiple regression. Computational algorithms and computer software regression packages. Applications in science, engineering, and business.
3.00 Credits
Multivariate normal distribution; moments and characteristic functions; noncentral Chi-square and noncentral F distributions; distribution of quadratic forms; estimation and distribution of estimators; principles of maximum likelihood and least squares; confidence regions and tests of hypotheses; regression models; Wishart distribution; Hotelling’s T2 statistic. Courses must be taken in sequence.
4.00 Credits
An introduction to the profession and practice of social work. Assists students to clarify decisions concerning selection of social work as a profession; relates beginning social science theory to the profession.
4.00 Credits
This course is the agency-based internship where students apply social work knowledge to generalist social work practice interventions. Students are supervised in community agencies by qualified field instructors. Community based learning is enhanced through a seminar that assists students integrate theoretical learning with practical application and develop generalist social work professional identity. Corequisite: SW 430, 431 and 432.
3.00 Credits
Restricted to students in the Child and Family Studies degree program.
3.00 Credits
Based on generalist social work practice principles, this three-term sequence examines the major influences on the service delivery system with emphasis on the multiple roles of the generalist social worker, and social work values and ethics. Examines the entire change process, focusing on assessment, goal formulation, intervention, evaluation, and endings through the lenses of strengths, empowerment, and ecological systems perspectives. Focus is on multiple levels of practice: individual, family, group, organization, and community. Introduction to theory and application of theoretical concepts to guide change activities. Development of interviewing skills for engagement, development of rapport, definition of purpose, assessment, intervention, and endings, taking account of cultural considerations. Integration of attention to populations at risk. Assessing and facilitating macro-level change process. Advocacy, collaboration and teamwork examined, with emphasis on strategies of promoting equity and social justice and preparing students for entry level professional practice. Corequisite: SW 400.
3.00 Credits
Explores diversity and oppression based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, (dis)ability status, and social class; models for intergroup relations; the historical context of group relations; and cultural variables significant to ethnic, racial and cultural minority populations Examines social, political, and cultural processes as they affect intergroup and intragroup relations. Explores the role of social worker as border crosser, cultural learner, and agent of change. Opportunities for cross-cultural dialogue and content analysis and skills development. Requires examination of the meaning systems in which each of us is immersed, as well as examination of those meaning systems that social workers must strive to understand.
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