Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Analysis of the nature of the sacred; attitudes toward the sacred in contrast to the secular. Comparison of the social organization of sect and church in their relation to the larger society. Survey of recent empirical studies of religiosity and religious practices in America. New trends in American religion.
4.00 Credits
This course will examine the sociological development of the modern Middle East. It will especially focus on causes and consequences of rapid social change, including revolutions, coups, and insurgent movements. It will examine the role of Islam and tribalism in these movements.
4.00 Credits
Provides theoretical framework for and experience in design, execution, and interpretation of social surveys including sampling procedures, questionnaire design, interviewing techniques, coding and computer analysis, and report writing.
4.00 Credits
See department for course description. Maximum: 12 credits.
1.00 Credits
Workshop for all sociology graduate students who are currently enrolled in Soc 503 for four credits or more. Discussion and review of students’ progress and problems. Pass/no pass only. Corequisite: Soc 503.
4.00 Credits
Formation, dynamics, and outcomes of social movements. Examination of the effects of circumstances, strategies, and alliances on the outcomes of social movements, including their impact on politics and society.
4.00 Credits
Survey and analysis of population dynamics (births, deaths, migration) and society. Examination of demographic concepts, theories, data and measurements, and research. Role of population processes on social life and public policies are highlighted, including population aging, economic development and the environment, urbanization, health and health care, race and ethnicity, and government/social/business planning. This course is the same as USP 419/519; course may be taken only once for credit.
4.00 Credits
A study of social determinants of the human life course, including biological and demographic conditions, age status patterns, age grading, rites of passage, socialization, generational phenomena, and youth and old age movements.
4.00 Credits
Analysis of the nature of the sacred; attitudes toward the sacred in contrast to the secular. Comparison of the social organization of sect and church in their relation to the larger society. Survey of recent empirical studies of religiosity and religious practices in America. New trends in American religion.
4.00 Credits
Seminar in medical sociology. Topics include how social stratification affects health outcomes, environmental hazards, social construction of medical knowledge, health care occupations, U.S. health policy, privatization of medical industries, and comparative health care systems.
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