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4.00 Credits
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4.00 Credits
Exploration of issues and approaches in sociological thinking relative to world systems. World systems are treated not only as world orders made up of political and economic exchanges, but also as cultural orders and institutionalized structures transcending national geographic boundaries. Attention given to the international, national, regional, and local ways that people attempt to deal with the instabilities accompanying globalization.
4.00 Credits
Description and analysis of problems involving specific minorities, with major emphasis on American society. Although racial and ethnic groups are usually emphasized, the term “minorities” is broadly defined to include such subordinate-status groups as women, the aged, and religious and cultural minorities.
4.00 Credits
The sociological and social psychological dimensions of courtship, marriage, and the family. Perspectives on the effects of social environment and transitions in the structure and functions of intimacy, courtship, marriage, and the family. The influence of society and community upon intimate relationships.
4.00 Credits
Analysis of the psychological and sociological processes in personality formation and in various forms of group behavior. Particular attention to social cognition, roles, and to group origins, functions, ideology, membership, and leadership. Credit will not be given for both Soc 342 and Psy 342.
4.00 Credits
Analysis of the psychological and sociological processes in personality formation and in various forms of group behavior. Particular attention to social cognition, roles, and to group origins, functions, ideology, membership, and leadership. Credit will not be given for both Soc 343 and Psy 343.
4.00 Credits
Examines the ways in which social constructions of gender both influence and are influenced by the cultural organization of and individual expressions of sexuality. The course explores the intersections among sexuality, culture, gender, and the body and examines a variety of sexualities and emphasizes the multifaceted nature of power, privilege and oppression.
4.00 Credits
Comparative analysis of how institutions such as schools, families, and firms shape the choices and life chances of individuals in the U.S., Japan, and Europe with emphasis on the ways that these structures facilitate equality and democracy.
4.00 Credits
Introduction and analysis of deviant behavior. Delineation of the sociological and social psychological factors which give rise to deviant roles.
5.00 Credits
Study of the structuring of sociological inquiry, conceptualization and measurement, operationalization, computers in social research, analysis of bivariate and multivariate relations, the logic of sampling and inference. Course includes lecture (4 hours per week) and an introductory research laboratory (2 hours per week).
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