Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Development of the individual from conception to age two. Theory and research pertaining to infant development.
4.00 Credits
Development of the individual from conception through childhood. Theory and research pertaining to child development.
4.00 Credits
Conducted in collaboration with an approved faculty research mentor. Research areas may include Prosocial, Social, Cognitive, and Motivational development, Attachment, Peer Groups, Parenting, Teaching, Early Literacy, Identity, Aging, Coping, Self-system Processes, and the Social and Cross-Cultural Contexts of development, including the family, schools, and day care. Involves data gathering, analysis, and/or reporting results of research conducted in a field setting. Emphasis on applied issues related to research design, data collection, data analysis, and scientific writing.
4.00 Credits
Conducted in collaboration with an approved faculty research mentor. Research areas may include social relationships and health behaviors; social relationships and subjective well-being; community-based interventions; self-help groups; social psychological perspectives on social movements; gender issues; family violence; and prevention. Involves data gathering, analysis, and/or reporting results of research conducted in a field setting. Emphasis on applied issues related to research design, data collection, data analysis, and scientific writing.
4.00 Credits
Study of the social and psychological influences on how people stay well, why some people become ill, and how persons respond to illness. Particular attention to the stress process.
4.00 Credits
Applications of basic psychological knowledge and methods to community problems. Course includes identification of the psychological aspects of human problems in the community, the utilization of psychological procedures for evaluating the individual and the individual’s psychological environment, and the search for techniques for promoting psychological change under these conditions. Field projects will include contact with community resources in the fields of health, education, and welfare such as poverty projects, mental health clinics, etc.
4.00 Credits
Provides theoretical framework for and experience in design, execution, and interpretation of social surveys including sampling procedures, questionnaire design, interviewing techniques, coding and computer analysis, and report writing.
1.00 Credits
See department for course description.
4.00 Credits
Theory, methods, and selected topics in advanced applied social psychology.
4.00 Credits
Theory, methods, and selected topics in organizational psychology including leadership, motivation, job attitudes, job stress, organizational climate, and employee retention.
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