Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Development of the individual from puberty to early adulthood. Theory and research pertaining to adolescent development.
4.00 Credits
Development of the individual from early adulthood through old age. Theory and research focusing on adult development from a life-span perspective.
4.00 Credits
Study of the social and psychological influences on how people stay well, why some people become ill, and how persons respond to illness. Particular attention to the stress process.
4.00 Credits
Applications of basic psychological knowledge and methods to community problems. Course includes identification of the psychological aspects of human problems in the community, the utilization of psychological procedures for evaluating the individual and the individual’s psychological environment, and the search for techniques for promoting psychological change under these conditions. Field projects will include contact with community resources in the fields of health, education, and welfare such as poverty projects, mental health clinics, etc. Completion of Psy 480 is prerequisite for enrollment in Psy 481, and completion of Psy 481 is prerequisite for enrollment in Psy 482; all three must be taken during the same academic year. Psy 480, 481, 482 is a true sequence in which work in each succeeding course depends on work done in the preceding one. This includes practicum experience which culminates over a 9-month period covered by the three courses in sequence.
4.00 Credits
Provides theoretical framework for and experience in design, execution, and interpretation of social surveys including sampling procedures, questionnaire design, interviewing techniques, coding and computer analysis, and report writing.
5.00 Credits
See department for course description.
4.00 Credits
Theory, methods, and selected topics in advanced applied social psychology.
4.00 Credits
Theory, methods, and selected topics in organizational psychology including leadership, motivation, job attitudes, job stress, organizational climate, and employee retention.
5.00 Credits
Survey of topics in univariate quantitative methods, including: graphical displays, descriptive statistics, statistical inference, group comparisons, analysis of variance for between group and factorial designs, correlation, regression, and analysis of association for categorical variables.
4.00 Credits
Course content will survey the development of modern ideas of mental illness, the origins of mental illnesses, the diagnostic system and the clinical syndromes, and methods of treatment of neuropsychiatric disorder. This course does not produce diagnosticians of mental illness but is a preparation for the clinical study of diagnosis.
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