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  • 4.00 Credits

    Advanced laboratory course in print art in which students specialize in one or more (in combination) of the following techniques, i.e., lithography, etching, monotype, relief, collagraph. Required course for the print major with the intention that each student explore and experiment to arrive at a cohesive body of printed work that speaks to an individual vision which is finalized in portfolio form. Analytical and critical discussion are part of the group and individual review process. Open to non-majors with instructor's consent. Maximum 12 credits.
  • 4.00 Credits

    A two-term sequence offering a contemporary view of painting through the exploration of various media, subject matter, and conceptual approaches. Research, idea generation and production will be emphasized. Art 490/590: Students begin to develop an independent body of work within a historical and theoretical context. This course concentrates on working methods of research and execution through closely guided assistance. Courses must be taken in sequence. Maximum 8 credits.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Open only to art majors in their senior year. This course allows students to pursue their own body of work as a thesis project. Providing the basis for continuity and sustained concentration within a long-term project, this course emphasizes laying a foundation for research and concentrates on developing a mechanism to design and access independent modes of analysis. Students learn to clarify ideas/images in a personal body of work. Role of theory and criticism is emphasized. Enrollment is contingent on a juried selection process. Contact the department office for information. Maximum: 8 credits.
  • 4.00 Credits

    This class represents the culminating experience in drawing and mixed media. Students are expected to develop a unified body of work that reflects and is informed by art history and contemporary theory. Open to non-majors with instructor’s consent.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Art 494/594, 495/595: series of rotating topics that address current conceptual approaches and issues in the arts including: installation, site specific, space/body, language, and materials. Maximum: 16 credits.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Methods and materials for teaching and coordination of art programs in grades 5-12, with an emphasis on organizing historical, aesthetic, critical and studio demonstrations, lectures, and classroom/model presentations. Translating theory(ies) into practice(s) will be a continuing and ongoing focus of the classes in lessons, research and readings. Students will develop Art lessons and programs that reflect current state and national standards. Art 514 is an introduction to the history of Art Education, the methods of instruction, philosophy of art education, and organization of art materials and tools. Art 515 explores the current best practices and issues in Art Education, technology (media-computer) application to art, continuing research/issues in art education, Practical and contemporary issues in public/private education.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Advanced laboratory course in print art in which students specialize in one or more (in combination) of the following techniques, i.e., lithography, etching, monotype, relief, collagraph. Required course for the print major with the intention that each student explore and experiment to arrive at a cohesive body of printed work that speaks to an individual vision which is finalized in portfolio form. Analytical and critical discussion are part of the group and individual review process. Open to non-majors with instructor's consent. Maximum: 12 credits
  • 4.00 Credits

    Tutorial and directed study in studio production with a supervising faculty member. In-depth discussions and assessment of graduate student's studio work-in-progress in relation to contemporary art practices and criticism, historical practices, technical and formal concerns and/or related interdisciplinary interests. Directed assignments and course of study will be given as appropriate. May be repeated for credit. Required for MFA.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Examines selected issues in contemporary art and culture. The given instructor's current research interests determine course material. Examples of topics include: post-colonialism and Diaspora; issues in feminism; gender and queer studies; modernisms and modernity; new technologies and digital culture; autobiography and memoir; cultural production and censorship; globalism and new economies of art. Course format consists of assigned readings, discussion and a writing component. Field trips, student presentations, screenings and assigned lectures may also be included. May be repeated for credit. Required for MFA.
  • 2.00 Credits

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