Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
See department for course description.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (4) An introduction to the formulation and application of wave mechanics; the Schrödinger equation and its application to time-independent problems (both one- and three-dimensional problems); identical particles; approximation methods including mainly time-independent perturbations. Brief exploration of the potential applications of quantum mechanics to engineering: quantum nano-structures and quantum computers. This course is the same as ECE 598; course may only be taken once for credit.
4.00 Credits
Advanced study of electricity and magnetism covering field and potential of charge arrays, electrostatic field energy, images, multipoles, Laplace’s equation, Biot-Savart and Ampere’s laws, magnetic field energy, vector potential, displacement current, dielectrics and their microscopic models, electromagnetic wave equations, boundary conditions, energy radiation, magnetic materials and their microscopic models.
4.00 Credits
The principles of crystal growth and wafer preparation, ion implantation, doping and diffusion, and oxidation, including crystal structure, defects, heterogeneous chemical reactions, thermodynamics and kinetics of basic processes such as diffusion. Realistic process flows, physical metrology, device structure, electrical behavior and their trade-offs are discussed.
4.00 Credits
An introduction to the physical ideas and methods in the studies of biological phenomena, organization, structure, and function at the cellular and molecular level. Atomic and molecular structures, energy and interacting forces relating to cellular and molecular biophysics will be discussed.
3.00 Credits
See department for course description.
4.00 Credits
A detailed discussion of the approximation models for solving the time-independent Schrödinger equation; scattering theory in terms of stationary unbound states; time-dependent theory including the perturbation method; the two-level problem and its application to laser operation. Dirac's formulation using bra and ket; different time-evolution pictures; concept of density matrices; Berry's phase; quantum theory of angular momentum; Feynman's path integral formulation; introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics; issues on the fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics including Bell's theorem, the EPR paradox, hidden-variable theory; and Schrödinger's cat problem.
4.00 Credits
Examines social, behavioral and environmental community health-related issues and the controversies that surround them. Group and presentation work will be emphasized. This course will be a prerequisite for all upper division classes in the major.
4.00 Credits
An overview of the physiology of stress, stress triggers, assessment of stress, and stress management techniques and strategies.
4.00 Credits
Examines scientific literature regarding lifestyle choices that promote optimal health and functioning. Behaviors regarding self-protection, self-care, and health promotion are compared to recommendations emerging from this literature.
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