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4.00 Credits
The second course in a sequence on typography addressing more complex communication problems. An emphasis is placed on developing strong conceptual solutions and integrating text and image. Design, art and literary theory is introduced and applied to the problem-solving process. Continued emphasis is placed on understanding design within a historical context. Projects to include large, multiple page formats, such as books, editorial design and annual reports.
4.00 Credits
A creative study of all aspects of sculpture involving various media such as clay, plaster, wood, stone, and the metals, with emphasis, as necessary, on architectural sculpturing. Maximum: 18 credits.
4.00 Credits
Second of a two-term sequence to be taken in the third year for students majoring in either painting or printmaking. Engages the theories and practices involved in the many processes, methods, and techniques of drawing. Analytical and critical thought is emphasized and part of the final end of the term review. Emphasis will be on postmodern concepts and theories as applied to studio practice in art since 1960. Readings, discussions and research are expected to inform studio practice. Required for all transfer students in painting/drawing and printmaking.
4.00 Credits
Study of various concerns in the expansion of technical and conceptual approaches dealing with form and content in both historical and contemporary practices. Students investigate a variety of ways of seeing that expands their approach to the subject and prepares them to begin development of an independent body of work in advanced painting. Students work both individually and in a group setting. Art 392: emphasis is placed on surface, materials, and other technical concerns, although issues dealing with the relationships of form and content are also discussed. Open to non-majors with instructor's consent.
1.00 Credits
See department for course description.
1.00 Credits
See department for course description.
4.00 Credits
An advanced, elective course with a required 100-hour placement in a professional design setting. Students conceive design, and develop client-oriented projects to gain experience in professional design practices, including design strategy, cost estimation, preparation of the creative brief, effective written and verbal presentation, team dynamics, client meetings, and project management. In-class sessions focus on topics and concerns related to professional practice. Stress is placed on understanding both the client's and designer's point of view in the conceptual process. Portfolio and permission of the instructor required. Maximum: 8 credits.
4.00 Credits
Required for all design majors in their senior year. Students pursue their own body of work with a focus on the development of independent mechanisms for generating design problems and solutions. Emphasis is placed on accessing independent modes of analysis. Students learn to clarify concepts and execution methods in a sustained and integrated body of work that demonstrates refinement of visual and verbal communication ideas. The role of theory and criticism is emphasized.
4.00 Credits
Concentrated visual exploration of current topics in contemporary design, such as cross-cultural communication or environmental graphic design. Topics are supported by investigation of theoretical and critical issues. Projects focus on demonstrating a nuanced and multi-faceted investigation of the topic. Maximum 8 credits.
4.00 Credits
Development of a design portfolio that depicts, in a consistent and professional manner, the creative, conceptual, strategic, and technical abilities of the designer. Independent exploration and refinement of projects is required. Communication of design strategy and accomplishment through effective written and verbal presentation. Emphasis is placed on business, project management, and professional skills required in the marketplace. Required course for all majors in design.
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