Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    A consideration of organization development as a strategy for organizational change. This course emphasizes concepts and methodologies relating to organizational problem diagnosis, action research, planned change, change implementation and evaluation, and the development of appropriate interpersonal competencies and skills. Focuses on the public manager as change agent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Considers information management and computer information systems as they affect public management and public policy. Basic concepts are covered, and emphasis is placed on the use of computerized information technologies as management tools for public sector administrators. Substantial use is made of case studies to highlight how the public sector manager may most appropriately and effectively use computer resources and avoid inappropriate and misleading use of these resources.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Topics to be covered include: research design, sampling methods and theory, data collection, techniques of data analysis and presentation; statistical reasoning, and computer applications for statistical analysis.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Course requires student to become proficient in the use of reference tools for successfully undertaking policy research. Students are required to identify a policy issue and to use library and on-line resources to track a piece of public policy through the stages of agenda-setting, legislative policy-making, administrative implementation, court adjudication and follow-up analysis and evaluation of consequences. The course consists of a series of on-line exercises corresponding to each stage of the policy development and implementation process. The exercises are supplemented with discussion and lectures.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Provides in-depth analysis of evolving issues in environmental and natural resources policy and administration. Topics for analysis vary from term-to-term. Examples of topics include: political approaches to sustainable development, issues in water and land, urban natural resource management, hazardous materials issues, the politics and policy of dams and dam removals, issues of governance in the Columbia River Basin, new models of environmental management. Noted practitioners from the region, senior administrators and advocates are frequent guest presenters in the class. Issues are developed and explored through multiple perspectives in the spirit of liberal education and professional development. The course meets the needs of advanced students, professionals in the community and others with particular interest in current issues.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Reviews the history, politics, and institutions related to current environmental and natural resource policy and its administration. Reviews policy domains like land and forest, water, energy, fish and wildlife, and environmental quality. Special attention is paid to policy and administrative governance issues like sustaining common pool goods, structuring intergovernmental relations, and evaluating policy implementation strategies of direct production, planning, regulation, and changing market incentives. A central premise is that natural resource administrators face a policy arena that is intrinsically problematic because of the dynamic nature of social values about natural resources, the long time horizon implicit in resource systems, the broadening geographic scale considered in natural resources decisions, and the interdependency of social and ecological communities. Recommended as a first course in the environmental and natural resource administration specialization.
  • 3.00 Credits

    An examination of issues related to the administration of health care systems. Topics include: changing patterns of health care, budget and financial management techniques, and political influences on health administration.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Centers on an investigation of the public policy process as it affects the health care field. Specific health care policies and programs are used to explore the characteristics of the health care policy process and the factors involved in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of health care policies and programs.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is designed to survey the interworkings of health care legislation. By examining the nuts and bolts of health law development, a better understanding of health policy development within the context of the political system can be realized. Health legislation is examined in terms of historical analysis and the legislative process, including the role of interest groups, the use of information in the political system, the role of bureaucracy, and the budget process.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Course focus is on the manner in which health care in the United States is organized and administered, as well as the forces which are influencing change in the structure and delivery of health services. Specific topics of analysis and discussion include: structure of the health care system, the providers, health care personnel, financing health care, planning, and evaluation.
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