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  • 4.00 Credits

    A two-term sequence course that introduces the principles and practice of painting. Art 281: explores basic theory and use of color and composition. Assignments involve both conceptual approaches and direct observation using still life, figures and landscape. Courses must be taken in sequence. Open to non-majors with instructor’s consent.
  • 4.00 Credits

    A two-term sequence course that introduces the principles and practice of painting. Art 282: moves from the basic theory and use of color and composition to assignments involving both direct observation using still life, figures and landscape and a more conceptual approach. Further explores the various painting styles, techniques, and media used throughout the early 20th century. Courses must be taken in sequence. Open to non-majors with instructor’s consent.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Art 291-Mass: students will be introduced to working in three dimensions through observation and those materials that lend themselves to forms that produce actual mass and volume. Some work from a life model. Plaster mold-making will be included. Open to non-majors with instructor’s consent.
  • 4.00 Credits

    This mixed media class will explore the book as an art form. The relationship of images and/or words will be explored in relationship to narrative and sequential structures. Traditional and experimental methods of binding will be taught. Lectures on the history of the artist’s book and issues in imagery and/or typography will be presented. Class emphasizes an experimental and conceptual approach that integrates content and form. Open to non-majors with instructor’s consent. Maximum: 8 credits.
  • 4.00 Credits

    See department for course description.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Studio course in print design with an emphasis on digital pre-press. Creative projects with an emphasis on typographic solutions are developed through all stages of design and production and completed in a press run. Industry standards for design and production practices are examined.
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course is designed to give the elementary educator knowledge, skills, methodologies and resources that encourage the incorporation of art education as a regular, ongoing and sequential part of the core curriculum. Art 312 is based on contemporary theory and practice focused exclusively on the teaching of art at k-5 levels. This course is required for all students seeking a general multi-subject teaching license at the elementary level. General objectives include establishing a theoretical and methodological foundation that enables the student to teach age appropriate art lessons that engage children not only in art production activities but also to address the areas of art history, criticism and aesthetics. Open to Non-majors. Maximum 4 credits.
  • 4.00 Credits

    A sequence focusing on concept development and solutions for communication design problems. History, theoretical approaches, critical readings, group and individual critiques, and written assignments support visual design exploration. Art 320: Focus is placed on narrative and information structures. Historical context and ethical design concerns are addressed.
  • 4.00 Credits

    After a brief look at art of the 1960s and 1970s, this class will explore major theoretical and philosophical developments in the art world over the last quarter-century. Various themes and forms of art and individual artists will be examined as manifestations of specific theories and philosophies that have emerged during the past 25 years. Particular emphasis will be on art of the post-9/11 era. Material will be covered through readings, slide lectures and films as well as frequent visits to the Portland Art Museum; we will also take advantage of gallery shows, lectures and other relevant local events. Assignments will include critical response and research papers, group presentations. Maximum 4 credits. Open to non-majors with instructor's consent or departmental approval.
  • 4.00 Credits

    A two-term studio sequence in design for interactive media. Art 341: Interactive design for the Web focusing on information architecture, navigation systems, and visual interface. HTML markup and the use of visual design tools. Creation and optimization of graphics in compressed formats. Experience with Web production workflow through development of site projects. Topics include usability and the aesthetics of web media.
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