Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
3 credits Prerequisite: Admission to the DH Program or consent of instructor. An introduction to various drugs used in the practice of dentistry; an intro to the most commonly prescribed drugs that students might encounter on a patient's medical history. Students will study nomenclature, classification, dosage, contraindications, and effects of pharmacologic compounds. May be offered through Distance Learning.
1.00 Credits
2 credits Prerequisites: Enrolled in DH Program or instructor permission The study of the normal periodontium, periodontal pathology, etiology and principles of periodontal disease, examination procedures, principles of periodontal therapy, non surgical periodontal therapy and prevention modalities. American Academy of Periodontology classifications of periodontal disease, maintenance considerations and referral for specialized periodontal care are presented. May be offered through Distance Learning.
2.00 Credits
1 credit Full Prerequisites: Accepted in DH Program or instructor permission Treatment of the moderate to advanced periodontal patient, selection of surgical procedures and maintenance. The course reviews periodontal and restorative considerations, occlusion and TMJ disorders, periodontal surgery, dental implant and maintenance, periodontal emergencies and a review of evidence based periodontal research. Specialty office visit to observe treatment modalities. May be offered through Distance Learning.
1.00 Credits
2 credits Admission in Dental Hygiene Program or Instructor Permission Restorative Functions 1 content includes tofflemier placement, wedge, etiology of the decay process, cavity preparation, properties of amalgam, maintenance of dental anatomy, occlusal considerations, and amalgam placement and finishing. Laboratory and clinical practice for skill development. May be offered through Distance Learning.
2.00 Credits
1 credit Prerequisites: Admission in Dental Hygiene Program or Instructor Permission. Restorative Functions 2 content includes amalgam polishing; direct placement esthetic materials composition and classification; handling, placement and finishing; light cure techniques; and anatomical considerations for anterior and posterior composite placement. Laboratory and Clinical Practice for skill development. May be offered through Distance Learning.
3.00 - 12.00 Credits
3-12 credits This course provides the student with dental hygiene work experience in community businesses and organizations. The student will have the opportunity to integrate theory and practice gained in the classroom with practical experience in the professional world.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
1-4 credits Prerequisite: Admission to the DH Program or consent of instructor See department for topics.A variable credit course based on independent study contracted between an instructor and a student.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
1-3 credits Prerequisite: Instructor consent A flexible course, offering all students in drafting classes an opportunity for remedial, supplemental, and developmental training.
4.00 Credits
4 credits Prerequisite: DRF 167 And DRF 142 Corequisite: DRF 168 An introduction to the ASME Y14.5M-1994 Dimensioning and Tolerancing standard. Develops basic skills in mechanical drafting, including dimensioning, section, and auxiliary views. Students will improve drafting quality and develop drawing production speed.
4.00 Credits
4 credits Prerequisite: DRF 167 And DRF 208 Or Instructor Consent Architectural drafting techniques, methods and procedures, layout and drafting of standard residential working drawings for a 1,200 sq. ft. building permit.
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