Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
3 credits Individual differences and methods of measurement, personality dynamics, stress, abnormal, social, and applied psychology. Previous PSY 201 & PSY 202 recommended. May be offered through Distance Learning.
3.00 Credits
3 credits Reccommend at least one introductory psychology course before taking this course. Lectures, demonstrations, and review of experimental research in the areas of animal and human learning. Variable that influence learning will also be considered including stimulus-response connections, discrimination, chaining, verbal association, concept formation, and problem solving. Memory, transfer of learning, forgetting, insight and observational learning will also be covered.
3.00 Credits
3 credits Recommend at least one introductory psychology course before taking this course. This course aims to familiarize students with the major theoretical viewpoints about personality within mainstream psychology. Methods of researching issues in personality, theories about how personality develops in individuals and how it is organized, procedures for personality assessment, and processes by which personality may be changed are discussed. Students relate theoretical concepts to personal awareness exercises.
3.00 Credits
3 credits Prerequisite: PSY 201. An introduction to psychological aspects of human development from conception through old age. Topics covered include brain, perceptual, cognitive, memory, socioemotional, and personality development. Theoretical and methodological issues pertaining to the study of development will also be covered.
3.00 Credits
3 credits Prerequisite: PSY 201 or PSY 203. The boundary field where sociology and psychology overlap. The influence of psychological process on groups, and the influence of culture, society, and groups on individuals. Topics: group dynamics, leadership, socialization, attitude change, and others. Emphasis is put on learning to use social psychological findings to explain real-life events.
3.00 Credits
3 credits Prerequisite: PSY 201, This course presents the basic principles of the modern scientific approach to the study of human behavior. It includes the study of the terminology, methods and values that support psychological research. The primary focus is on the understanding of common research designs and what conclusions can reasonably be drawn from the results of experiments using those diagrams. Students will have an opportunity to conduct experiments of their own design.
3.00 Credits
3 credits Prequisite: PSY 202 or PSY 203 This course is designed to assist students in understanding the diversity of individual experiences. It is based on developing awareness, knowledge, and skills as they relate to the areas of worldview, identity, and acculturation with regard to the exploration of psychological issues. These topics will include cognition, sensation, perception, intelligence, emotion, motivation, development, disorders, and social psychology. In addition, we will explore the methodologies of cross-cultural research in psychology. We will explore and identify cultural assumptions about people different from ourselves via modeling, observations, readings, and experiential exercises.
3.00 Credits
3 credits Prerequisite: PSY 201. Explores human sexuality by examining the behavioral, psychological, and biological components that compose our sexuality. Topics include cross-cultural comparisons, learned and developmental origins, biological systems, variations in sexual behavior, and sexual difficulties. This course emphasizes the behavioral rather than the health issues in human sexuality.
1.00 Credits
3 credits Prerequisite: PSY 201. An introduction to human development from conception through adolescence. Areas covered include physical (especially brain), cognitive, social-emotional and personality development as well as theoretical and methodological issues. May be offered through Distance Learning.
2.00 Credits
3 credits Prerequisite: PSY 201 or PSY 235. Examines human development from early adulthood through old age and death. Areas covered include physical (especially brain), cognitive, social, and personality development as well as theoretical and methodological issues. May be offered through Distance Learning.
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