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3.00 Credits
3 semester credits (Lec. 3; Fall) The computer/network security course provides a basic overview of security policy, common threats and attacks and the technologies that can address network security issues. It also covers installation, confi guration and basic troubleshooting of security solutions. Students will be required to successfully install and confi gure equipment in a pre-determined lab environment. Pre-requisites: Junior/Senior in ISET, completion of ISET 300 or similar operating systems course.
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits (Lec. 3; Spring) This is an advanced object oriented programming and application development course using Java, a continuation of CIS 155, Java Programming. This course will expand the student's knowledge of object oriented programming to include graphical user interface development utilizing programming language libraries. Advanced computer programming topics including arrays and mathematical topics including matrix multiplication and basic trigonometric functions used in graphics programming will be covered. Prerequisite: CIS 155.
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits (Lec. 3; Fall) This is an advanced programming techniques course and a survey of fundamental data structures. It covers pointers, arrays, user defi ned data structures, abstract data types, time-space complexity, algorithm proofs, program testing, and operating system interactions. Computability and intractable problems are discussed. Object oriented programming and object oriented design techniques will be utilized. Prerequisite: CIS 155.
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits (Lec. 3; Fall) This course is an overview of network and communications using the internet and LAN, WAN and MAN confi gurations. This class will stress TCP/IP in relation to the OSI model. Hubs, switches, and NIC's will be confi gured and tested. Students will be required to perform both out-of class and in-class homework using Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Unix computers. Students will be required to install and set-up software on a network. Some work will be performed in teams. Prerequisite: CIS 110 or higher, CIS 155, ISET 350.
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits (Lec. 3; Spring) This course provides an advanced study of selected digital systems. Topics will include digital design and fabrication using ASIC, CPLD, FPLD devices as well as other programmable digital logic with emphasis on fabrication of a complete digital system. Other topics will include sensors, analog to digital conversion, digital to analog conversion, data logging, and telemetry systems. Prerequisite: ISET 305 or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits (Lec. 3; Spring) This course continues CIS 270. It entails program implementation, testing, debugging, and documentation of a complete system. It includes project management techniques such as ISO 9000 standards, Visual Basic, Access, ODBC connections and programming logic. Prerequisites: CIS 110 or higher, CIS 115, CIS 155, CIS 171, and CIS 270.
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits (Lec. 3; Fall) In this course, the Oracle database server will be used for application creation including analysis, design, implementation, and testing of large scale, enterprise database oriented projects. It covers advanced database concepts including relational databases, client-server applications and Oracle Database Administration. Prerequisites: CIS 115 and CIS 171.
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits (Lec. 3; Fall) The course focuses on the student's education and experience on specifi c technical projects. Students will complete individual projects and then integrate the individual projects into a group project. Emphasis is placed on research, construction, testing, and presentation of individual and group projects based on developing interfacing circuits for a selected micro controller system. During the course the student will submit formally written reports and give public explanations and demonstrations of the projects. This course meets the general education requirement for a capstone course. Prerequisites: ISET 305 and senior standing. Course Fee: $15.00
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits (Lec. 3; Spring) This class covers the application of selected behavioral and quantitative decision support tools, emphasizing problem identifi cation, technique selection, and results or computerized solution interpretations. Topics include: decision models, resource allocation models, project management models, and forecasting models including software contracts, proposals, data warehousing and data mining. Prerequisites: CIS 110 or higher competencies, MATH 110 or MATH 112.
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits (Lec. 2, Lab. 2; Spring) This course provides an advanced study of communications systems and circuits. Topics include FM circuits, antennas, transmission lines, and cellular and microwave systems. Course Fee: $12.00
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