Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
3 semester credits Opportunity to perform undergraduate research under the counsel and guidance of departmental staff. Students will summarize research results in scientifi c papers and oral presentations. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. This course does meet the laboratory science requirement.
12.00 Credits
Variable: 1 through 12 semester credits A planned and supervised work-learning experience in industry, business, government, or community service agencies related to the University program of study. Prerequisites: Two semesters of attendance at Montana State University-Northern, approval of advisor, Dean of the College of Education, Arts & Sciences, and Nursing, and cooperative education coordinator. Pass/Fail only. This course does not meet the laboratory science requirement.
4.00 Credits
4 semester credits Integrated principles of ecology with special emphasis on terrestrial ecosystems. Some attention directed to selected ecological methods and statistical evaluations via laboratory activities. Offered alternate years. Prerequisites: BIOL 140 or BIOL 151 or BIOL 221. This course does meet the laboratory science requirement.
4.00 Credits
4 semester credits A general survey of the plant kingdom and plant classifi cation with special emphasis on bryophytes, and the non-fl owering tracheophytes and their reproductive processes, together with an introduction to algae and the fungi. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: Basic college biology course. This course does meet the laboratory science requirement.
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits An introduction to the anatomy, characteristics and classifi cation of insects including methods of collecting, preserving, identifying, and displaying insects. Preparation of an insect collection is required. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: BIOL 348 or consent of instructor. This course does meet the laboratory science requirement. Course Fee: $9.00
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits The biology of birds, including their morphology, physiology, behavior, ecology, and classifi cation. Emphasis on the recognition of Montana species, developed through the use of photos, preserved skins, and local fi eld trips. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: BIOL 348 or consent of instructor. This course does meet the laboratory science requirement. Course Fee: $5.00
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits A survey of invertebrate and vertebrate animal phyla including classifi cation, morphology, physiology, characteristics, and natural history. Concurrent enrollment in BIOL 350 required. Prerequisite: BIOL 140 or equivalent.
2.00 Credits
2 semester credits The laboratory component of BIOL 348. Microscopic and macroscopic studies of animals. Dissection of squid, earthworms, crayfi sh, sea stars, dogfi sh sharks, frogs, fetal pigs, and others. Concurrent enrollment in BIOL 348 required. This course taken in conjunction with the lecture portion of the course (BIOL 348) meets the laboratory science requirement. Course Fee: $13.00
3.00 Credits
3 semester credits Introduction to such techniques of molecular biology as electrophoresis and chromatography as these methodologies are employed in the fi elds of cytology, molecular genetics, and physiology. Graduate credit requirements are described in the course syllabus. This course does meet the laboratory science requirement. If this class is taken at the 500 level, it is a graduate course and expectations for student performance are at an advanced level. Evaluation of course requirements is more rigorous than at the lower division section of this course.
4.00 Credits
4 semester credits This course will demonstrate and provide an opportunity for students to develop skills in selected techniques used in the examination, identifi cation and classifi cation of a wide variety of the freshwater organisms that live in Montana's aquatic systems. Extensive laboratory work and fi eld trips are required. Prerequisites: BIOL 140 or BIOL 151 or approval of instructor. This course does meet the laboratory science requirement. If this class is taken at the 500 level, it is a graduate course and expectations for student performance are at an advanced level. Evaluation of course requirements is more rigorous than at the lower division section of this course.
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