Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the field of social psychology within the discipline of psychology including an examination of the individual's behavior within a variety of social contexts. Topics include social perception, influence, attitudes, attitude change, aggression, prejudice and racism. Prerequisites: PSYC 101 or SOCI 100 or consent of instructor.(F, Sp)
3.00 Credits
The course provides an examination of topics related to health psychology. Topics include but are not limited to theories of stress and coping, theories of behavior change, psychological benefits of exercise, personality and well-being, examinations of the cultural influence on psychological health and well-being, examinations of patient-provider relationships and health care systems, as well as subtopics in positive psychology. Prerequisite Psyc 101 or instructor approval. (F, Sp)
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to acquaint students with findings, principles and theories in the field of animal learning. Emphasis is placed on classical conditioning, instrumental learning and, to a lesser degree, social learning theory. Selected topics within the field of motivation are also included in the course. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 and sophomore standing or higer. (F, Sp)
3.00 Credits
This course provides an introduction to the theories, research and applications of the field of cognitive psychology. Major topics of study include the processes of attention, pattern recognition, memory, language, decision making and problem solving. These topics are presented within an information-processing framework, but a connectionist approach to cognition will be introduced as well. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 and sophomore standing or higer. (F, Sp)
3.00 Credits
Course examines the current social, legal and psychometric concerns in psychological-educational measurement. Topics include history of measurement, legaland ethical issues, construction and analysis of tests, interpretation of scores and the technical considerations of reliability and validity. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 and 201 and sophomore standing or higer. (F,Sp)
3.00 Credits
The course involves the investigation of the study of personality. Topics include: psychoanalytic, trait, phenomenological, behavioristic and social learning approaches to personality. Consideration of a variety of perspectives on personality. Prerequisites: PSYC 101and sophomore standing or higer, or consent of instructor.(Sp)
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the description, etiology, and treatment of mental disorders. Diagnosis, assessment, methodology, and legal and historical issues concerning abnormal behavior are addressed. Prerequisite: PSYC 101and sophomore standing or higer. (F, SP)
3.00 Credits
This course explores research and theory regarding the nature and processes of human development from early adulthood through old age and death. Key topics include biological theories of aging; the changing body; disorders of the brain; personality development; changing memory and thinking skills; relationship issues, careers and retirement, and death/dying. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or higher. (Sp)
3.00 Credits
Students will gain an understanding of the basic physiological and psychophysical methods used in perception research. This knowledge will then be applied to study how the senses of vision, audition, taste, smell and touch extract and code information from the environment. Special emphasis will be given to the visual mechanisms involved in the perception of contrast, form, depth, size, motion and color. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 and sophomore standing or higer. (Sp)
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to familiarize students with the anatomical, chemical, physiological and hormonal control of behavioral processes such as sensation and perception, consciousness, emotionality, eating, drinking, thermo regulation, aggression, reproduction, learning, memory and higher cognitive processes. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 and sophomore standing or higer. (F, Sp)
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