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3.00 Credits
This course is an introduction to Object-Oriented Programming techniques using the Java programming language. Students will gain skills in using Classes and Interfaces, Inheritance, Overloading, Abstract Classes and Methods, Serialization, and Generics. Prerequisites: CSIS 162. (F)
3.00 Credits
Introduction to database systems, database administration and database design concepts, relational model and relational database systems are further examined through class projects. Security, privacy, concurrency control, distributed databases, object-oriented database, and client/server systems will be examined. Prerequisite: CSIS 162. (F)
3.00 Credits
This course provides an overview of the process involved in software projects: requirements analysis, design methods, programming languages, coding practices, software testing, documentation, and maintenance. Students will work on a team software project. Prerequisites: CSIS 237. (F)
3.00 Credits
This course is an introduction to the numerical algorithms fundamental to analysis, and includes solution to equations by fixed-point iteration, the Newton-Raphson method, error analysis, polynomial interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, direct methods for solving linear equations, and approximation theory. Co-listed as CSIS 346. Prerequisites: MATH 167 and capability in at least one programming language. (F)
3.00 Credits
This course is an introduction to bioinformatics. Students will use computational and mathematical techniques to analyze and manipulate biological sequence data and three dimensional molecular structures. Students will learn to use desktop and we-based computer programs. Students will have the option of constructing their own programs as well. CSIS students will be introduced to the necessary biology and will be expected to have knowledge of the material in Data Structures or Discrete Mathematics. Prerequisites: junior standing. (F)
3.00 - 6.00 Credits
The research component of the Semester Abroad program. A semester of directed research in a European country. Taken in conjunction with International Studies 377/577. Prerequisites: participation in the Spring Semester Abroad orientation seminar; 2.25 GPA; junior or senior standing. (F)
3.00 - 12.00 Credits
A temporary paid job (usually lasting for one semester or summer) providing pre-professional experience in an off-campus business or institution. The job must provide practical applications of computer-related skills and personal growth in these skills. Selected students will be matched with sponsoring organizations and a job description and evaluation method will be negotiated for each opportunity. The number of credit hours depends on the number of hours of employment. Prerequisites: CSIS 236, 241, and at least one 300-level Computer Systems course; 60 or more credit hours with a GPA of 3.0 or better; permission of Computer Systems Internship Supervisor; permission of Computer Systems Department Chair. (F, Sp,SS)
3.00 Credits
This course integrates the areas of computer technology, system analysis, system design and organizational behavior. Functions of the system analyst will be investigated including steps and tools used in the analysis and design of Information Systems. Topics include: development tools, system planning and alternatives, feasibility analysis, and selection strategies. Prerequisite: CSIS 333 (may be taken concurrently) (F)
3.00 Credits
This course is an introduction to the principles of designing Operating Systems. Students will gain an understanding of processes, synchronization and deadlocks, memory management, and file systems. Prerequisites: CSIS 248 and 355. (Sp)
3.00 Credits
This is an introductory course in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Topics include: Rule-based Expert Systems, Uncertainty Management, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Inference Systems, Artificial Neural Networks and Evolutionary Programming. Prerequisite: CSIS 237 (F)
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