Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
3 hours. Major theories and skills needed for the producing and production management of narrative media from concept through exhibition. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status and RTVF 1320, 3220 and 3230.
3.00 Credits
3 hours. (3;3) Theory and practice of producing television newscasts in a station environment. Designed for students admitted to the Television News Producing Interdepartmental Certificate program. Also provides basic information on broadcast news management. Students have the opportunity to produce newscasts for North Texas Television (NTTV), UNT's cable access station. Students also learn how to convert their news content for the web. Prerequisite(s): JOUR 2340, 3430. RTVF/JOUR major status or consent of department.
6.00 Credits
1-3 hours each. Problem must be approved by department chair. May be repeated for credit; however, no more than 6 hours of total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900 and 4910 may be applied to the 45 hours of RTVF credit required for the degree. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
1-3 hours. Individual study topics to be proposed by the student and approved by RTVF faculty and Production Committee prior to commencing work. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status, consent of faculty member, consent of department. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900, 4910, 4911, 4912, 4913.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
1-3 hours. Individual study topics to be proposed by the student and approved by RTVF faculty and Production Committee prior to commencing work. Prerequisite(s): RTVF major status, consent of faculty member, consent of department. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900, 4910, 4911, 4912, 4913.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
1-3 hours. Individual study topics to be proposed by the student and approved by RTVF faculty and Production Committee prior to commencing work. Prerequisite(s): consent of faculty member, consent of department. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours total credit for RTVF 3482, 3483, 3501, 3502, 4480, 4900, 4910, 4911, 4912, 4913.
3.00 Credits
3 hours. Individual study topics in advanced film production. Designed for students who have previously completed RTVF 4400. Prerequisite(s): RTVF 4400 and consent of department.
3.00 Credits
3 hours. Major research project prepared by the student under the supervision of a faculty member and presented in standard thesis format. An oral defense is required of each student for successful completion of the thesis. Prerequisite(s): completion of at least 6 hours in honors courses; completion of at least 12 hours in the major department in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the department chair and the dean of the school or college in which the thesis is prepared; approval of the dean of the Honors College. May be substituted for HNRS 4000.
4.00 Credits
4 hours each. (4;1) 1010 (RUSS 1311 or 1411 or 1511). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum. 1020 (RUSS 1312 or 1412 or 1512). Grammar and phonetics; reading, composition and oral-aural practice. Prerequisite(s): RUSS 1010 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.
3.00 Credits
3 hours each. 2040 (RUSS 2311). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): RUSS 1020 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum. 2050 (RUSS 2312). Grammar, composition, oral-aural practice and readings. Prerequisite(s): RUSS 2040 or equivalent. Satisfies a portion of the Understanding the Human Community requirement of the University Core Curriculum.
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